The ability of man to create such architectural masterpieces has dated back thousands of years. Mankind is capable of achieving extraordinary deeds. For centuries we have shocked each other with the willpower and drive we have to settle for nothing less of perfection. The Great Pyramids of Giza still strike awe in the mouths of anyone who have the privilege of laying their eyes upon the marvelous work. The pyramids were built approximately four thousand six hundred years ago and yet historians still do not know for sure how the inhabitants completed them. Without electricity, heavy machinery, or construction equipment; how could they do it? I’ll tell you how they finished this unbelievably vast project, determination. Human determination is a force to be reckoned with, an unstoppable energy, and an unsurpassable momentum. The way we comprehend and visualize then turn those visions into actions shows our dominance on this planet. When we are “on a roll” or “in the zone” ideas come to us so quickly it feels like we can accomplish anything. Some of the greatest thinkers, artists, architects, musicians have sought out to finalize exceptional work. When we see an enormous building towering over us, casting a shadow for miles, we can’t help but think, how could people build this? This occurrence still happens today but when you see a colossal monument made thousands of years ago, you are forced to question how they did it. Entering the Middle Ages in around the 900s people began to start trusting and believing in God more. These people wanted a place where they could worship, and the average neighborhood church wasn’t cutting it. Since, the demand was high, the supply needed to meet that demand. In the times before the Middle Ages all hope was swept from the world, people did not believe that God was out there because they never thought He would bring such terrible times upon them. After the Dark Ages population began to increase, hope started to spread and places where bishops could teach Christianity were filling up fast. The purpose of the larger churches were to be able to hold enough people for coronations, christenings, weddings, funerals, church services, and many other splendid occasions. Thus the process of making cathedrals began. A cathedral is the biggest church in the diocese, or region in which the bishop controls. Cathedrals were usually placed in the largest city or major part of the diocese, for maximum access and attendance. Each bishop resided in his cathedral and was the leader of it, serving under the pope. Most bishops were noblemen. Bishops supervised the church's priests, monks and nuns and administered its business. In many parts of Europe the church owned vast areas of land and commanded a large number of knights. In the early Middle Ages, it was not unusual for a bishop to lead his own knights into battle. Two many styles of cathedral architecture developed and they were: Romanesque and Gothic. The Romanesque type cathedrals developed somewhere between the 7th and 9th centuries and was the first pan-European architecture style since Imperial Roman Architecture. Combining features of Roman and Byzantine buildings, Romanesque architecture is known by its massive quality, thick walls, round arches, sturdy piers, groin vaults, large towers and decorative arcading. Each building has clearly defined forms and they show up very regularly. A symmetrical plan was composed so that the overall appearance is one of simplicity when compared with the Gothic buildings that were to follow. The style can be identified right across Europe, despite regional characteristics and different materials. Now, Gothic Architecture developed from Romanesque in the 12th century. It is a style of architecture that flourished during the high and late medieval period. It evolved from Romanesque architecture and was succeeded by Renaissance architecture. Gothic architecture is most familiar as the