The fund management system of BTCL Introduction: a) Internship is an important part of Business Administration Program. After accruing theoretical knowledge it is important to apply it practically. Practical knowledge is very much important because if we not know how to implement our learning in our working sector it's totally in-vain what we are learning. We know that BTCL a renowned company under telecommunication industry in Bangladesh. It's a government owned company that's why doing internship in here is very big thing for any newcomers. Fund Management system is very much crucial for every organization. Knowing the fund management system of Government owned company like BTCL is very much important because by this we learn how this type of big organization manages their fund. b) 1. To evaluate the fund management system of BTCL 2. Find out the weakness of fund management system of BTCL 3. How to solve these problems. c) Historical background of BTCL The Telegraph branch was reconstructed in 1962 in the then Pakistan as Pakistan Telegraph and Telephone Department. After the independence of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in 1971, Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Department was set up under the ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to run the Telecommunication services in Bangladesh. This was converted into a corporate body named “Telegraph and Telephone Board” by promulgation of Telegraph and Telephone Board Ordinance, 1975. In pursuance of Ordinance No.XII of 1979 promulgated on 24 February 1979, Telegraph and Telephone Board was converted to “Bangladesh Telephone and Telegraph Board” as Government