Case Study: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – the Case of Bess Essay

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Case Study: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – The Case of Bess
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorders: The Case of Bess Obsessive compulsive disorder commonly (OCD) can be defined as an anxiety disorder differentiated by acts of compulsiveness or continual thoughts of obsession. Persistent thoughts, images, and desires are characteristics of obsessions. These thoughts, images, and desires are not typically willed into one’s mind as they are often senseless, illogical, aggressive, taboo, etc. Compulsive acts are unrealistic and repetitive behaviors. The fear of contamination with germs, dirt, or grease is the most common obsession, which leads to thoroughgoing or compulsive cleansing rituals. Religion, sex,

“As time passed, Bess developed a variety of other rituals and obsessive thoughts, usually related to using the toilet, sexual issues, or the encountering of possible contamination in public places” (Meyer, Chapman, & Weaver, 2009, p. 45). Vast amounts of time and psychic energy was wasting and Bess became more impaired. As she became aware of her ridiculous actions, she still felt compelled to do them anyway. The only point in Bess’s life with meaning and was satisfying was her work. Eventually, her rituals began interfering with her wok; it was then Bess surrendered herself for help.
Biological Theory “Biological theories of OCD stemmed largely from the observation of neurological soft-signs in some OCD patients” (Ko, 2000). Typically, the four brain compositions will be hyperactive at the same time; acting in unison and locking together (Meyer, Chapman, & Weaver, 2009). “Freud’s view of obsessive-compulsive individuals was that these persons were still functioning at the anal-sadistic stage of development and that conflicts over toilet training were critical in their development such as the case with Bess” (Meyer, Chapman, & Weaver, 2009, p. 46). Most individual with OCD obtain his or her behaviors from his or her parents as a cultured resistance in opposition to anxiety. Bess’s mother was OCD and a thoroughgoing model as Bess had no other adults to demonstrate varying behaviors. Bess’s mother was also proficient at