Essay on Carrers In EAC Assignment 8

Words: 1255
Pages: 6

Stephany Armstrong
E01 – Careers In Early Childhood Education
Assignment 8_08
Scenario 1:
Part AFredrick Frobel believed that children learn when they are lively and free. He also believed that children’s education should be based on their interests and their active involvement. An activity using
Frobel’s’ parquet gifts for 3 – 5 year olds would need to be simple enough that they would be able to manipulate the pieces involved and complex enough to challenge their minds. To start our activity I would take thin pieces of wood about 10x10 inches. I would outline a very simple drawing of different animals on the pieces of wood. The children can use the parquet shapes to fill the animal in, or to trace the outline of the

Be sure to give them extended time to complete their assignments. Practice letters that are similarly formed (l/t/I; c/d; v/w), and work on those that are more frequently used — s, m, r — before he tries those less commonly found in words — j, q, z. Engage in different sensory methods for letter formation such as sand, or on an iPad white board using their finger. Scenario 4- Cause, technique, solution and reason:
Temper TantrumCause: Connor wants attention.
Guidance Technique: Ignore negative behavior.
Appropriate Solution: Move to the other side of the room until Connors tantrum is over and then invite him to sit beside you while you read a story. Praise him for sitting beside you nicely.
Reason: By ignoring the negative behavior and giving attention to the positive behavior it will effectively stop the tantrums.
“Mommy, don’t go!”Cause: Insecure attachment
Guidance Technique: Encouragement

Stephany Armstrong
E01 – Careers In Early Childhood Education
Assignment 8_08
Appropriate Solution: Encourage Angela to play with her favorite toy or read a book when she is dropped off in the morning; also speak to Angela’s mother about becoming a secure base and not leaving without saying goodbye to help Angela acclimate.
Reason: Positive support and encouragement can help the transition to a new place easier.
BullyCause: Power
Guidance Technique: Restructure and Reinforce