Radiation Therapy or Radiotherapy is one of the many treatments to cure cancer, It uses high-energy radiation to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells. It works by breaking a piece of the DNA molecule inside the cancer cell, which keeps the cell from growing, dividing, and spreading. The radiation used for this treatment may come from a machine outside the body, or it may come from radioactive material placed in the body near tumor cells or injected into the bloodstream. It is one of the efficient ways to kill cancer cells. I am not against this treatment because for the past few decades we can’t find ways to cure cancer and now we discovered this technology which is a great benefit for us today.
It’s very hard to destroy cancer cells without damaging some healthyl cells therefore radiation therapy gives enough radiation to destroy cancer cells in your body so that healthy cells can recover. This treatment destroys cancer cells but also healthy cells but it is not a long-term side effect because it only focuses the radiation to a certain part of the body that needs to be radiated unlike Chemotherapy that spreads throughout the body, which can result in a number of side effects.
Radiation therapy destroys cancer cells that divide quickly, thus helping to stop the spread of cancer at the tumor site and reducing the risk of cancer scattering throughout the body. When treatment is started early, radiation therapy can be very effective in stopping cancer. Following surgery, radiation therapy can destroy any remaining cancer cells around the site of the tumor that surgery could not remove.
Preoperative radiation therapy can kill tumor cells at margins of the tumor site. It can keep the cancer under control and prevent metastasis, and also convert technically inoperable tumors into operable ones.Thus increasing the chance of curing cancer and prevent the spreading of it.
Radiation therapy can retain the organ that has cancer cells on it because it can just radiate that specific organ to destroy the cancer cells and when the cells are dead the organ can function normally rather than having surgery which remove the organ but not having full security that the cancer cells are dead.
Radiotherapy have side effects but most of them are temporary. Fatigue is the most common side effect of radiotherapy , you can feel more tired than usual but it is not a major problem. There are ways to lessen tiredness while undergoing radiotherapy, have enough sleep, take a nap during the day , try not to use lot of energy are examples of it.
Another thing is hair loss, you can experience hair loss on the part which is being
anything abnormal happens to go to the doctor and get checked out. You also are informed that if the tumor was not caught as early, it would have spread and killed you in 3 years. Cancerous treatment has advanced since cancer has been diagnosed due to the increase of research on cancer. The earliest date of cancerous tumors come from 1600 BC with the Egyptians. There has been evidence of tumors found in fossilized bone tumors, human mummies in Ancient Egypt, and in manuscripts (Halsted). The earliest…
2014 Treating and Curing Cancer There are different ways to treat and cure cancer. Some ways of doing so are more popular than others, mainly because of money. There are natural and proven ways to cure cancer and there are also ways that can be harmful. In the 1950s, Dr. Johanna Budwig presented a non-harmful, natural way to cure cancer cells with her diet protocol. Chemotherapy is another way to kill out cancer cells, but can be destructive on one’s body. Keeping a healthy lifestyle, unlike the majority…
Cancer and Heart Disease: The who, why, and what of it Com/155 Instructor: Janet Ward June 10, 2012 By: Brooke Bowman Cancer and Heart Disease: The who, why, and what of it Cancer and heart disease are the top two killers of Americans, but who is at the greatest risk; men or women and why? The first thing we must do to prevent ourselves from developing either of these deadly diseases,…
Steps in Cancer Prevention Sherri Joiner 156 08-02-2012 Farrah Hilton Steps in Cancer Prevention Cancer Preventions “Cancer” is a word that no one wants to hear when presenting to a doctor’s office or as a diagnosis for any family members. It is not one disease, but many diseases that affect many Americans each day. It is non-discriminatory and can affect anyone from infants to adults. According to “The National Cancer Institute” (n.d.), there will be an estimated…
Risk Assessment Cancer is a large group of different groups of disease caused when abnormal cells divide and attack other tissue and organs. Cancer is the second most deadly disease in the United States. According to the American Cancer Society, a third of all women and half of all men will develop cancer in their lifetime. The abnormalities causes the calls to grow, multiply and they do not die off as normal cells do. Healthy cells have a life span, different depending on the cell. The process of…
often. Among them is cancer. Today, cancer is a hot topic for researchers around the world as more and more people become diagnosed with cancer. Because of its widespread appearance and its inevitable result—death, it is imperative that we must find a way to treat it. However, nothing is ever so simple. Currently, treatments that are being used include the infamous, chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is a “brute-force” method that, as a side-effect, also kills healthy, non-cancerous cell. It is highly toxic…
Causes and Treatments of Cancer Shshana Rust BIO 1020 South University Online Prostate and Endometrial Cancer Prostate cancer is a cancer that forms in the tissues of the prostate, the gland of the male reproductive system, which is found below the bladder and in front of the rectum. This cancer usually occurs in older men. In the United States there are estimated 241,740 new cases and 28,170 deaths in 2012. The cause of prostate cancer is unknown. Prostate cancer is thought to be related…
LIVER CANCER Liver cancer or hepatic cancer is a cancer that originates in the liver. Liver cancers are malignant tumors that grow on the surface or inside the liver. There are many forms of liver cancer, although many cancers found in the liver are metastases from other tumors. The most frequent liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma. About 4 of 5 cancers that start in the liver are this type. HCC can have different growth patterns; some begin as a single tumor that grows…
Breast Cancer The Cancer and Molecular Basis Breast Cancer is a group of cells, cancer cells, (malignant tumor) that begins in the breast of the body. No one has a specific cause of the cancer but many sources say that the disease has many risk factors such as smoking; drinking, and diet, but those factors are avoidable and a choice of life. Other factors as of age, race, or family history cannot be changed its inherited. Symptoms * Lump or thickening in or near the breast or in the…
Benefits and Drawbacks of Radiotherapy? Cancer is one of our planets most concerning illnesses at this time. It is the uncontrollable growth and forming of malignant tumours. In 2007, it was said to cause about 13% of all human deaths worldwide (Kleinsmith, Lewis J. M.D). Some cancers may be cured and this depends on certain variables such as the type of cancer, where the cancer is, and how early it has been detected. One method of treatment for cancer is Radiation therapy (Radiotherapy). This…