UPS CampusShip is a web-based, UPS-hosted shipping solution that helps you increase efficiency and reduce costs. UPS CampusShip’s powerful, full-featured functionality is designed to provide faster and more accurate shipping.
This Shipping Quick Start Guide to UPS CampusShip is a convenient, step-by-step reference that will help you manage all of your shipping needs.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please use the Help link on UPS CampusShip or contact your company’s UPS CampusShip Administrator by selecting Administrator Lookup.
Login and Initial Steps
To log in, click on the link for your company’s unique
UPS CampusShip Internet address, which you received via e-mail or log in to
You will be asked to log in to your company’s UPS
CampusShip system with the User ID and password provided in the e-mails from UPS CampusShip. User IDs and passwords are case sensitive.
As a new user, please read the UPS Technology Agreement
(which contains Terms and Conditions) and click the
Accept button to continue.
Upon initial login, you will be prompted to change your temporary password. After changing, select the Update button. If you forgot your User ID or password, use the Forgot
User ID or Password? link and UPS CampusShip will send your User ID and a temporary password via e-mail.
Login and Initial Steps (continued)
Note: Your shipping services and options may be limited by your Administrator. Contacting your Administrator first is the best way to get an apparent issue resolved. Use the Administrator Lookup tool to find your Administrator contact information or use the Company Support phone number and e-mail link on the bottom of each page.
From Resources, select UPS CampusShip Support for the help desk phone number in your region.
My Settings
Begin by setting your Shipping Preferences which saves time and ensures a tailored shipping experience. Select
My Settings, then Edit Shipping Preferences to set default shipping options, reference values, payment method, e-mail notifications, pickup information, printing preferences and more.