Rising Crime; Are Students Safe on CSUB Campus Students and their families at California State University of Bakersfield (CSUB) are wondering if they are safe while on campus. According to the Bakersfield Crime Statistics Summary Report, the city of Bakersfield has been hit with an increase in both property offenses and violent crimes, averaging a murder investigation weekly. With the end of the fall quarter quickly approaching and days being shorter, students and families are asking if the university is doing enough to ensure the safety of everyone on the CSUB campus.
“Whether students are living on campus or are commuting, they should not have to be concerned with their on-campus safety in a setting where their main focus is to learn,” Dr. Horace Mitchell said in a statement. The CSUB president, also stated, “No environment is 100 percent safe…The hope is to minimize any incidents.”
The 2010 murder of 18-year-old Bianca Jackson was the first on-campus murder of the university’s 40-year history. In 2010, the university implemented an emergency alert system where students can subscribe to and receive alerts via e-mail, text, automated phone call, or an alert of their choosing regarding on or off-campus emergencies. Subscribers we informed of the 2010 murder.
“I park in the east parking lots of the campus and there are some parts that are almost completely pitch black,” said Tyler McDonald. McDonald, a senior at CSUB, later added, “If campus officers were to
camera for quite a while, as if it were that action figure or doll you received from Santa Claus on Christmas morning as a child. Then I began to look into the deeper things of photography such as telling a story with just one photograph, capturing happy moments, sad moments, funny moments, and ‘a story to tell my kids about’ moments. A year passed and then on a Friday night at church I saw someone running around with a camera, photographing the church service. I pictured myself pointing a camera at that…
that she finds out toward the end of the book • the author uses mystery to make the story worth reading • the plot of the story dealt with a killing of a friend • you never knew exactly what was going to happen next and how it was going to happen • the author uses love to make the plot more surreal • stories contain love scene all the time but this one is different • the love in this story was between Sylvia and her close friend killer • Zane shows his true colors and then she…
To the Assistant Director of Residence Life, I am writing this appeal to keep my room on campus. I would like to urge you to reconsider and please let me stay on campus for one reason because I was not under the infuncence of any drugs or alcohol and I did not buy, bring or alcohol consume any on campus property. My teacher’s and coach know me as a well-rounded individual who is very responsible that being said I also do while in school. I have four classes including track and field that I have partaken…
people of the white race since it is not a diverse campus. Diversity, as defined in the Merriam Webster Dictionary, “is the state of having people who are different races or who have different cultures in a group or organization.” Places such as a school, a city or a work place can be examples of having diversity. Besides the diversity of race, it could also include sex, class and sexuality. North Central College is not a very diverse college campus. High school and college diversity are completely…
Regional Campuses vs. Oxford On Oct. 1, 2014, President Hodge asked for increased differentiation between Miami’s regional campuses and the Oxford campus. What does this mean for students? Renaming the regional campuses and handing out new diplomas is what’s ahead in an attempt to distance the college’s main campus in Oxford from the regional campuses. Exactly why did President Hodge request this? The officials of the university are doing this because they want to make a series of distinctions…
Jian Mei Lin February 16, 2012 Art History There are several dormitories on campus and each of the buildings has its own unique features and elements that are expressed in them. I have taken this picture because I have been living in 1837 dormitory for three semesters now and have been really intrigued by the features and the location of the building. The dormitory is located on Lower Lake and it is a four story building. Viewing the gorgeous lake from each individual room is a way for students…
The Barrett Honors College Arizona State University-Tempe Campus Paul Anzini Erica Pagliughi CON598: Sustainable Construction Fall 2013 Table of Contents Introduction Background/History Barrett Today Going For Gold Sustainability Evaluation of Barrett (Including Interview with Students, What Could have been done differently) Barrett vs. Vista del Sol (Including Talk with Hardison/Downey & DWL) Conclusion Introduction Walking across…
Thank you for sharing with your students! Table of Contents Introduction: The TOMS Story 4 Chapter 1: Find Your Story 6 Chapter 2: Face Your Fears 8 Chapter 3: Be Resourcesful Without Resources 10 Chapter 4: Keep It Simple 12 Chapter 5: Build Trust 14 Chapter 6: Giving Is Good Business 16 Chapter 7: The Final Step 18 Ways To Get Involved 20 Notes 21 Introduction: The TOMS Story ™ Blake Mycoskie, Founder of TOMS, describes the idea that would come to define the…
(Kovner & Knickman, 2011). According to Kovner a Knickman (2011) alcohol misuse is most common in young adults. Unfortunately, many students in college often believe that binge drinking is a part of being a student. In Florida, there is always multiple stories in the media related to alcohol-related injuries. According to the U.S Department of Education, (2008) approximately 40 percent of college students engage in high-risk drinking. Also, over 100, 000 deaths are associated with alcohol drinking every…
Virginia usually doesn’t have any negative light shed on it. However these past few months have shown that there was only a thin veil between its reputation and what was really happening. Since 2010 there have been 2 murders because of sexual assault on campus. Among students, there are fraternities that are known for raping their party guests. One in particular is Phi Kappa Psi, who have been accused of rapes, including the gang rape of one the murder victims according to the NY Times, for over four decades…