Buss: Minority Group and Business Research Ethics Essay
Submitted By Krisha0889
Words: 543
Pages: 3
Business Research Ethics
Laura Ramos
June 23, 2014
Barry Adkins
Business Research Ethics
Ethical research in minority is an article that talks about the 20th Anniversary of the National Institute of Health (NIH) Revitalization Act in 1993 and how this Institute is working on establishing guidelines for the inclusion of women and the inclusion of minority groups in clinical research. The NIH guidelines dated by the Act were followed by similar guidelines developed by the US Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The issuance of these guidelines to promote more inclusive research was dearly justified and necessitated by a history of indifference to or explicit exclusion of women and minorities in many clinical research studies. The article also states that the research is ethically responsible for cultivating a respectful, trusting relationship with the members of the relevant minority community and to establish an ongoing process for community involvement, researchers need to develop recruitment strategies that take into account the history of distrust for research in many minority populations. Researchers need to design studies within due consideration for language, culture, traditions, lifestyle, and other factors important to the minority group. Researchers need to avoid in- appropriately lumping heterogeneous minority groups (e.g., Hispanics, Asians).
The National Institute of Health (NIH) needs to continue to support laws in regulations to support whose race is to participate on clinical research because it’s the right thing to do, to avoid discriminating lawsuits and because the company is following the Revitalization Act which estates share information. The party that s more than likely to face an injury would be the foreign races that are getting researched done by the NIH. Some of the injuries that can occur during research is that the participants could get hurt with any research not is not followed by the guidelines. Since the NIH is concerned with the conduct of research to assess healthy in minorities, inducting must important public health research, study as research on healthy disparities and healthy equity.
If the National Institute of Health (NIH) had not adapted the Revitalization Act in 1993 the institute would be considered unethical because it would be raciest to other minorities