Business for the Glory of God Book Review Essay examples

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Pages: 13

Book Review
Business for the Glory of God
By: Wayne Grudem

October 10, 2011

The Review:
Business for the Glory of God Wayne Grudem wrote the book ‘Business for the Glory of God,’ this book is based on biblical teachings. The book discusses issues such as ownership, productivity, employment, commercial transactions, profit, money, inequality of possessions, competition, borrowing and lending, attitudes of heart and effect on world poverty from a biblical standpoint, each are “fundamentally good and provides many opportunities for glorifying God but also many temptations to sin.” (Grudem, 2003, p. 19) Grudem claims that business can glorify God. He states “I am going to argue that many aspects of business activity are

One way to find out who is the best is through competition. Competition can be used for good, such as in schools where students are given grades so they know how well they did their studies, and in businesses, where the better employee is paid more than the others and may even be promoted. Paul talks about competition in 1 Timothy 3:10, “But let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons, being [found] blameless.” Friendly competition is the way God established a just and fair system to give out better rewards for better work. Borrowing and lending is a system used by many businesses today. Borrowing and lending does not always necessarily mean money, but can mean goods or knowledge instead. A plumber lends his knowledge to install a bathroom in a customer’s house, once he is done the customer pays for the services. However, the borrowing and lending of money is what keeps our economy going. Buying a house would not be possible for many if they were unable to borrow the money to do so. Borrowing money for good reasons is not a sin as long as you have the means to pay it back and will. Lending money to someone is even better; to be able to help someone help themselves is not a sin either. Ownership, productivity, employment, commercial