Essay on Business and Administration lvl 3, taking minutes
Words: 2370
Pages: 10
Unit 32: Take Minutes Unit code: Q209 Unit reference number: M/601/2478
1 Understand the task of taking minutes at meetings
1.1 Describe the purpose of meetings 1.2 Describe legal and organisational requirements that may apply to minute taking 1.3 Explain the purpose of minutes as an accurate record of discussions and decisions The purpose of holding a meeting is to discuss topics that are relevant to the running of the business and to keep all working together towards the same goals. During the meeting it is important to record what actions have been decided upon, who is responsible and what the milestones and deadlines are. The minutes accurately record summaries of the discussions held and decisions made at the meeting. 'adjourned sine die'. Standing Committee: a committee which has an indefinite term of office Standing Orders: rules of procedure governing public sector meetings Table: to introduce a paper or schedule for noting Taken as read: to save time, it is assumed the members have already read the minutes Treasurer: committee official responsible for its financial records and transactions Ultra vires: beyond the authority of the meeting to consider Unanimous: all being in favour
2 Understand the role of the chair and other formal responsibilities in meetings
2.1 Explain the role of the chair and other formal responsibilities within meetings The chair is the person given authority to lead or to conduct the meeting. It is their role to plan and organise the meeting.
Other formal responsibilities are: Deputy-Chair: this person stands in for the chairperson should they be unable to attend. Secretary: the person responsible for taking the minutes during the meeting, providing support to the chair and ensuring the attendance is recorded. The secretary also may be expected to supervise the provision of refreshments, stationeries etc. during the meeting. Treasurer: The person responsible for the finances, overseeing how