1. The quiz is of closed-book type and will be held in class on 05/28/13 and is to be completed in an hour. It contributes a maximum of 10 points to your overall grade. 2. You have to respond to 5 questions with short answers in the space provided in the paper below each question. Each question carries 2 points. 3. Material covered from the start of the quarter to the first half of the class before the test will be on the test. This includes the lectures, cases and the movie. 4. Please try to maintain a legible hand-writing which is not too small or light. 5. You could use a dictionary but only in book format (not electronic). 6. Please refrain from looking up answers from your neighbor as such behavior if noticed could result in considerable penalties in grades and may not be of much use anyway, given the format of the exam. 7. Review the concepts in the concept review list till the time of the quiz. In addition, review the important questions below. Look at my slides first but also read relevant portions of the book. 8. You might not need to read the cases again if you read them once and followed the class discussion. Browsing through my case slides may be adequate then (especially if you are short of time). 9. I will be available for office hours as usual before the exam.
Important Questions
Generic Competitive Strategies What do cost-leadership and differentiation strategies involve? What are some advantages and disadvantages of each? Why are both these hard to execute at the same time? How can firms reach and stay on the value creation frontier?
Operations and Competitive Advantage How do economies of scale and learning effects benefit firms? When is it advantageous to vertically integrate a value chain activity? When is it advantageous to outsource it? What are important elements of a TQM approach?
Organizational Design and Adaptation How does a particular culture develop and become rooted in an