Essay on business program submission intro

Submitted By ilsahaidry
Words: 404
Pages: 2

The frustration was indescribable, but the end result was totally worth the unrelenting headaches, stress, and tension. -
It was the December of 2013, the December that my responsibility and organization skills would be recognized as either exceptional or unacceptable; the winter banquet for the KCYL was just around the corner and was creeping closer and closer day by day. A couple of months ago I had secured the prestigious position of treasurer of the KCYL organization and was now being held responsible for many tasks and events that had started to make themselves known as slightly overwhelming. The winter KCYL banquet was once again around the corner and I was in charge all monetary decisions and budgets! Our money standing was low, and it was up to me to gather the money to pay for food and other necessities. My capabilities were ultimately put to the test. Fundraiser after fundraiser, the money in our account slowly began to increase. I made several phone calls not only to the KCYL members, but also to other members of our church to inform them about the upcoming event. Responsible for selling tickets, I realized the difficulty in pleasing everyone and accommodating to every member’s preferences. Persuading them to buy a ticket required a tremendous amount of skill and communication skills. I went through a lot of hard work and stress; especially since it midterms and subject tests were inching closer. I had to balance studying and organizing the banquet, which successfully taught me