business p2 Essay

Submitted By jackc13
Words: 452
Pages: 2

Task 2
P2 - Describe the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of two contrasting businesses.

Using diagrams and boxes identify and describe the key stakeholders for the British Museum and Fern Howard

The British Museum
Fern Howard
Customers- The customers want to see when they visit the museum, high quality artefacts.
Customers- The customers want high quality lighting at competitive prices so that they get the best value for money.
Governments- The Government wants the museum to be successful, create jobs and to pay taxes. They want to see the business take a full responsibility in looking after the welfare of society.
Suppliers- The suppliers of the museum want steady orders and prompt payment. The suppliers also want to feel valued by the British museum that they supply.
Suppliers- The suppliers of Fern Howard
Employees- There stake is that the British museum provides them with a livelihood. They will seek the security of employment, promotion opportunities and good rates of reward so that they will feel appreciated by the museum they are working for.


Task 3
M1 - Explain the points of view from different stakeholders seeking to influence the strategic aims and objectives of two contrasting organisations M1 discussion preparation

In your groups choose 1 stakeholder role for each organisation
Individually complete the below table to plan for your role play
Organisation 1: British Museum
Organisation 2: Fern Howard

What does this stakeholder want in an ideal world:

Explain how much influence they have over the aims and objectives of the organisation and why:


What does this stakeholder want in an ideal world:

Explain how much influence they have over the aims and objectives of the organisation and why:

M1 Discussion notes
You will now have 2 meetings in your stakeholder roles, where you will explain your point of view and listen to others. Make notes below

British Museum
Areas where you agree with other stakeholders
Area where you disagree with other stakeholders