Luke Fortin 007741825
Section 4
Take Home Essay
1. In the first step of group development, one key issue is how to go about getting to know each other and to begin to develop ground rules. The purpose of the first stage is to be able to have a clear view of the common group’s goal and to begin developing relationships. The second step describes the frantic struggling of how team members try to find out how they fit into the group and roles. This stage in particular is very crucial for the development of the group to the point where five major dysfunctions are common. Therefore, groups must be careful to: 1) trust each other, 2) engage in unfiltered conflict around ideas, 3) commit to decisions and plans to action, 4) hold one another accountable for results according to plans 5) focus on the achievement of collective results. The third stage, group members learn how to work together more cohesively, while establishing standards of excellence for their work produced. Later in the fourth stage, group members actually work together to get their work done/perform. Finally, in the fifth stage, member wrap up activities after their task is completed.
2. Forming is easily understood as when the group first meets and member try to know each other, common interests, and discussing roles. By week 2, the group started to storm and establish roles although the idea of roles particularly in my group became more of a liquid idea where we just discussed things to be done by the following week and volunteered. Storming in general has been a little concerning in the beginning since their seemed to be a discrepancy in work output as far as roles. In the third stage known as norming, my group became familiar with a way of doing things. It’s currently at the point where when we meet, we go around to discuss what we have completed, then we determine what needs to be done and equally distribute the work load. The fourth stage is the actual performing of the task. Our group is almost ready to start doing the main components of the project but are just currently gathering rough ideas and research. Finally, the final stage is adjournment is happens following the completion of the group. A good sign that we had a good group is if we are happy with our work and still have a respect for each other afterwards for our completed project.
3. Groupthink is defined as having the following symptoms. One, members rationalize any resistance to the assumptions they have made. Two, member apply direct pressure on those who express doubts about any of the group’s shared views/question validity of arguments that support the