Abstract: The objective of this experiment is to use the Archimedes principle to evaluate the specific weight of all of the separate materials. This objective of this experiment is significant in that it gives valuable information on how to…show more content… air or water) experience an upward force known as buoyant force. In order for something to stay afloat, this force must be equal in magnitude or in the case of lift with a hot-air balloon, greater than, the weight of the volume displaced by that object. Moreover, this amount of substance or in the case of this experiment; the water (or fluid) displaced will be equal to the volume of water displaced divided by the specific weight of the object. Figure 1 illustrates the relationship between weight force and buoyant force. By performing this experiment, one can evaluate the specific weight of the material by using the submerged weight and the dry weight difference. Figure 1. Buoyant Force VS. Weight Force The student will measure the dry weight of each of the materials provided and then will measure the wet weight of those materials and container. If applicable, the student will also use the submerged height of the object if it is submerged. Wfluid Displaced =γfluid * VD Eqn. (1) FB = WB – WS Eqn. (2) FB = VD *γ fluid Eqn. (3) VD = "F" _"B" /γ_fluid Eqn. (4) Where: FB : Buoyant Force (lb) VD : Volume of fluid displaced (ft3) WFluid Displaced: Weight of fluid displaced Dry Weight [lb] WD : Dry Weight [lb] Ws : Submerged Weight (lb)γ : Specific Weight [lb / ft3] γfluid: Specific Weight [lb/ft3] Assume that