Buddhism and Noble Eightfold Path Essay examples

Submitted By beth1111
Words: 468
Pages: 2

Buddhists do not believe in God. They follow the teachings of the Buddha (which means “enlightened one”). The Buddha was a prince who gave up his riches to go out into the world and understand the way things really are. When a Buddhist truly understands this, they become enlightened. The Buddhist word for this is nirvana.

Buddhist teachings and ideas affect the way they act.

The Dharma is the collective name for the Buddha’s teachings. Much of the Dharma is based around the Four Noble Truths:

1) There will always be suffering or a feeling that life is unsatisfactory
2) Suffering and dissatisfaction are caused by craving
3) If craving ceases, suffering will also cease
4) This can be achieved by following the Noble Eightfold Path.

This is the Noble Eightfold Path. These are eight ways that Buddhists try to live in order to live kinder, more disciplined lives that will help them break out of the cycle of suffering. The symbol for the Path is a wheel, to represent the idea that life is a cycle.

Right view – look at things the way they really are
Right intention – always intend to do the right thing
Right speech – speak only truthfully and kindly
Right action – only do actions that bring good
Right livelihood – don’t have a job that causes harm to other creatures
Right effort – try hard and don’t be lazy
Right mindfulness – keep your mind alert
Right concentration – focus on what you do, so that you understand the world better

The Three Marks of Existence (Three Universal Truths)

ANICCA – All things are impermanent. Nothing lasts forever because things are constantly changing.

ANATTA – No self or no soul. Buddhists believe that a permanent, unchanging soul does not exist. When beings are reincarnated, it is their karma that continues on to the next life, not an eternal soul.
DUKKHA – Suffering or dissatisfaction. The