BU224 Unit 2 Assignment:
Name: -Melvin Johnson
Course Number: -BU224
Section Number: -
Unit Number: - 2
Date: -12/15/2014
---------------------------------- General Instructions for all Assignments-----------------------------------
1. Unless specified differently by your course instructor, save this assignment template to your computer with the following file naming format:
Course number_section number_LAST_FIRST_ unit number
2. At the top of the template, insert the appropriate information: Your Name, Course Number, Section Number and Date
3. Insert your answers below, or in the appropriate space provided for in the question. Your answers should follow the APA format with citations to your sources and, at the bottom of your last page, a list of references. Your answers should also be in Standard English with correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and style (double spaced, in Times New Roman, 12-point, black font). Respond to questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions.
4. Provide a list of references at the end of the last page of your assignment.
5. Upload the completed assignment to the appropriate dropbox.
6. Any questions about the assignment, or format questions, should be directed to your course instructor.
------------------------------------------- Career Competencies -----------------------------------------
In this assignment, you will engage in developing the following career competencies:
Analyzing Quantitative Data
Analyzing Qualitative Data
Improving Global Awareness
1. A representative of the American clothing industry recently made the following statement: “Workers in Asia often work in sweatshop conditions earning only pennies an hour. American workers are more productive and as a result earn higher wages. In order to preserve the dignity of the American workplace, the government should enact legislation banning imports of low - wage Asian clothing.”
a. Which parts of this quote are positive statements? Which parts are normative statements?
The positive statements are, “Workers in Asia often work in sweatshop conditions earning only pennies an hour” and “American workers are more productive and as a result earn higher wages.” My reasoning for this is because the statements thereof try to describe the way things currently are.
The normative statement is, “In order to preserve the dignity of the American workplace, the government should enact legislation banning imports of low-wage Asian clothing.” My reasoning for this is because this statement tries to give advice and prescribe a possible solution, “Enact Legislation.” (Geoff)
b. Is the policy that is being advocated consistent with the preceding statements about the wages and productivities of American and Asian workers?
It is not. The statement about the productivity of American and Asian workers is about the absolute advantage that American workers have over Asian workers. However, Asian workers may still have a comparative advantage. And if that is the case, then banning imports would result in inefficiency.
c. Would such a policy make some Americans better off without making any other Americans worse off? That is, would this policy be efficient from the viewpoint of all Americans?
Americans would benefit and be hurt at the same time. The pros would be, because there is a ban on low-wage imports, this would create hundreds of thousands of jobs; mainly jobs for the lower-income families. And because there would be a spike in available jobs, more people would be working and most likely be spending more money (which is great for the economy).