Aim of module:
To provide the students with an opportunity to increase and develop their understanding of the principles and practice of Haematology and
Transfusion Science.
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this module the student will be able to:
1. Explain the theoretical basis of the formation, structure and function of haemoglobin and the blood cell series.
2. Describe the theoretical basis of anaemia and haemostasis
3. Perform screening tests to assess the haemostatic status of an individual 4. Recognise microscopic features of blood cells in health and disease
5. Describe the procedures employed to confirm diagnosis of a range of haematological malignancies.
6. Describe the inheritance, serological identification and clinical significance of major blood group antigens,
7. Describe the potential adverse effects of blood transfusion
8. Perform routine laboratory procedures for blood grouping and compatability testing.
9. Describe the theories of tissue typing techniques and their significance in transplantation.
Outline Syllabus:
Metabolism and function of mature blood cells:
The synthesis, structure, and function of haemoglobin. Metabolic pathways within the red blood cell. Platelet structure, function and metabolism. White blood cell structure, function and metabolism.
Blood cell formation and identification:
Development of blood cells from stem cells to maturity. The influence of cytokines and growth factors. Methods of investigation of bone marrow structure and function. Identification of blood cells in blood and bone marrow smears. Cell surface markers
Haemostasis & fibronolysis:
The interralationship between the haemostatic and fibrinolytic mechanisms. Disorders of haemostasis: Hereditary and acquired disorders including thrombocytopaenias and thrombocytopathias. Coagulation defects, performance and interpretation of coagulation tests. Anticoagulant therapy and its monitoring.
The anaemias:
Classification of the anaemias. Abnormalities in red cell morphology in anaemia. Haemoglobinopathies and their identification. Clinical features, presenting symptoms and laboratory investigations of microcytic, macrocytic and haemolytic anaemias.
The haematological malignancies;
Terminology, aetiology, epidemiology and classification of the proliferative disorders. Laboratory investigations for the differential diagnosis of leukaemia, and monoclonal gammopathies.
Blood group serology:
The major blood group systems, their inheritance and laboratory identification. Compatability testing.
Blood banking:
Storage of blood and the factors affecting survival times, changes during storage. Use of anticoagulants. Sterility testing and screening of blood for transmissable disease. Production and storage of blood components.
Quality control. The optimum use of blood and blood products.
Theories and application of tissue typing techniques in transplantation.
Graft versus host disease and its prevention.
Undesirable effects of blood transfusion:
Transfusion reactions and their laboratory investigation.
Hypomagnaesaemia, hyperalkaemia, haemostatic defects, cardiac arrest, circulatory overload and pharmaceutical incompatabilities. Delayed transfusion reactions. Transmission of disease via blood transfusion.
Haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN).
Teaching Programme: BS0504 Semester 1: 2013-2014