Essay about Brain and Reticular Formation

Submitted By maniwis
Words: 771
Pages: 4

Cerebral Cortex: imagine a Texas cowboy hat on top of a brain. The cortex is the outer layer of the brain just under the hat where complex thinking occurs.

* Corpus Callosum: The corpus callosum is the fibers that connect the two halves of the brain. Thus, it adds the two parts together. Think of the corPLUS CalloSUM. Since the corpus callosum coordinates communication between the two hemispheres, think of corpus Call Someone. * Thalamus: the thalamus takes sensations that come from the body and directs them to the appropriate part of the brain for processing. Thus, think of Hal and Amos - two traffic cops in the brain who direct these sensations to the right route. * Hypothalamus: the hypothalamus regulates a number of things in the body such as body temperature, thirst, hunger, and sex drive. Think of “hypo the llamas”. Your llamas are hot, sweaty and thirsty and you use a hypo to spray water on them to cool them down and give them some water. * Hippocampus: the hippocampus is the seat of memory. Think of a hippo with a compass. The hippo uses the compass to find his way back to the swamp because he can’t remember where it is. * Amygdala: the amygdala controls your sense of fear. Think of either a MIG coming right at you and, of course, making you afraid, or picture a scary wig with dollars in it * Pons: the pons helps you relax and sleep. Think of a relaxing pond. * Cerebellum: the cerebellum helps in coordination and balance. Picture your favorite athlete with bells all over his/her body (hanging from his/her clothes, hands, feet, etc.). * Reticular Formation: the reticular formation helps you to become alert and aroused when you need to be. Think of what would happen if you were napping and someone tickled you: your reticular formation would kick into gear to wake you up.

* Medulla: the medulla regulates the autonomic activity of your heart and lungs. Picture medals over your heart and lungs, or stick those medals into a heart.
Looking for Fear? Article

MSNBC Looking for Fear.pdf
Discovering Psychology - Additional Vocabulary (Zimbardo) Brain Stem: The main structure of the nervous system that connects the brain to the spinal cord. Nerve Impulse: An electrical discharge passed along a neuron's internal fiber. Neuron: The basic element of the nervous system; a cell which allows rapid communication between adjacent cells, including receiving, processing, and transmitting information. Neurotransmitter: A chemical messenger, released from neurons, that crosses the synapse and interacts with receptors. Soma: The cell body of a neuron, containing the nucleus and cytoplasm of the cell. Synapse: The junction between one neuron and the membrane of the next neuron. Dendrites: The branched fibers of neurons that receive signals from other neurons. One of the parts of the physical brain known to respond to emotional stimulus, such as touch, by growing and expanding over time. Neuroethologist: A psychologist who specializes in applying the methodologies of brain science to the study of animal behavior.