Some questions to consider:
Do you think the type of government chosen is best for Borka as a whole?
Were the needs of each state met?
Do you feel that the needs of your state were valued and heard?
Will the country be strong, unified, and peaceful?
Do you think the government will last? If not, what options are possible?
Do you think the process was fair? If not, what would you propose? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each process?
I had the honor to be part of a simulation of what it would be a UN assembly. We had four options of different governments: Representative Democracy that means that the representatives are chosen by the people, then those representatives discuss and make the decisions based on the best interest of the group that they represent. Constitutional Monarchy that means that there is hereditary ruler that makes the decisions, but he is limited by rules that the population agreed. Dictatorship that means that there is only one ruler with the absolute power and he makes all the decisions for all aspects of the government, this ruler is called a dictator and basically they can do anything. And finally an Oligarchy that means rule of a few, the country is ruled by a small group of individuals that make the decisions for the state only with the consultation of each other, these individuals can be selected by the people.
Then we were divided in four groups and we were assigned each a different state in an un-existing country called Borka. Then based on the specific characteristics of our state we had to decide witch of the four types of government best fits the country. After reading what were the needs of my people in the state, we all realized that a Constitutional Monarchy would be the best option and the one that will benefit us the most because my state was into traditions; and a Monarchy is a lot about traditions. Another state also wanted a Constitutional Monarchy so we were on an advantage, other state decided they want an Oligarchy but then they changed to a Monarchy, so now we were three; the last state wanted a