Essay on Body Language and Amy Cuddy

Submitted By tharwell88
Words: 569
Pages: 3

Travis Harwell
MGMT 3510-M52 / Fall 2014
Ms. Laura Alderson
University of Memphis
December 6, 2014

I can easily say that Amy Cuddy’s, “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are,” was the more humorous and entertaining video for this course. Amy Cuddy addresses the issue of body language and its meaning. This video content shared similarities with another video we had to watch, dealing specifically with verbal and nonverbal communication. “Amy Cuddy’s research on body language reveals that we can change other people’s perceptions and even our own body chemistry, simply by changing body positions.”
Judgments are made based on body language. This is very informative to me, because I easily see how that statement grows more meaning each day in the professional, social, and cultural world. Our nonverbal body language governs how other people feel about us. While watching this video I noticed that I was in a position of “power” that Amy Cuddy mentioned in her video. I was sitting in my office chair stretched out, listening to the video. This created a sense of genuineness about the message in the video. That moment created personal credibility about Amy’s message. The perception you portray to others should be extremely important to. Especially when it comes to the people you encounter throughout life that are not familiar with as your family, or close friends. It is because of Amy Cuddy’s video that I am more understanding of my assertive nature, and other things that are related to that of a person being powerful, or dominate.
Amy Cuddy also talked about the fact that we are influenced by our own nonverbal body language as well. This is relevant because if a person is thinking a certain way about something, then it will show in their nonverbal body language. Which leads me to a point Amy made that our body changes our mind, and our mind changes our behavior, and our behavior changes our outcome. Acknowledging certain body language symptoms and then addressing them can make an extreme difference in a person’s personal and professional life. For example, how an individual reacts to stress is more important than a person with a