Body Essay

Submitted By J8251
Words: 5597
Pages: 23

Body Essay

The function of the respiratory system is to provide oxygen for the human body. The function of the circulatory system is to deliver oxygen to the cells and remove carbon dioxide. This helps with the respiratory system. The structure of the respiratory system and the function of it parts are to provide oxygen for the body. It does this by taking air. The hairs in your nose filter out the bad stuff in the air. Next we have the trachea which is your windpipe, which also filters the air as you inhale (it branches down to the bronchi.) now we have the bronchi that are two tubes that carry air into your lungs. After that we come to the lungs, and the lungs take in oxygen, and carbon dioxide goes out. Red blood cells pick up oxygen, and carry it to the cells that need it. It then picks up the carbon dioxide made by the cells. Now we enter the alveolus which is a tiny "sac like" structure in the lungs where the exchange of gases takes place. Last we come to the diaphragm, which is a "dome shaped" muscle at the bottom of the lungs.( where the breathing begins.) Another function of the circulatory system is that it carries digested food substances to the cells of the body. This helps the digestive system by giving it the food. The digestive systems function is to provide nutrients from the food we eat it also helps us digest our food. The teeth start the digestive system by chewing the food. Next the salivary glands produce saliva which helps breakdown food. Amylase is in the saliva and it breaks down the carbohydrates before it leaves the mouth making it easier to swallow. The epiglottis is a flexible flap of tissue that closes over the windpipe when we swallow so we don't choke. It also helps so that our food doesn't go down the wrong tube. It then travels down a long tube called the esophagus to our stomachs. The mussels in the esophagus help move the food down. The sphincter allows food into the stomach. The acid in your stomach helps you break down the food. The pylorus is a muscular tube that keeps the chyme in the stomach. After your stomach is done with your broken down food it enters the intestines. The small intestines function is also to help break down food. There are three parts to the small intestines and they are: The duodenum, The Jejunum and the Ileum. There is also the large intestines which function is to get the waste to the excretory system. The three parts of the Large Intestines are the cecum, the pancreas which produces enzymes that help digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates and the liver which produces bile, that helps digest fat. The Bile is stored in the gallbladder until your body needs it. The function of the digestive system is to digest food and get it to the excretory system. The function of the Excretory system removes unnecessary materials. The Nephron sucks the nutrients from the bad stuff that enters your body and goes through the systems. Filtration is when the body separates the solids form the liquids and the reabsorption is when the body reabsorbs it. The function of the skin, kidneys, lungs, and liver in the excretory system is that the kidney helps filter the blood renal columns renal pyramids, renal cortex, renal papilla, minor ealix, renal pelvis, ureter. The circulatory system also helps with removing waste products and poisons that would harm the body If they accumulated. The function of the excretory system is to remove waste from the body. The function of the immune system is to protect the body against disease or other potentially threatening things. When the immune system is working properly it identifies threats like, viruses, bacteria, and parasites that are different from the body's own healthy tissue. For an example when humans have an allergic reaction from food it's the immune system thinking that the food is harmful to your body. This over reaction causes symptoms like hives, digestive upset, runny nose, and sever itching. It can also cause