Sixteen years ago, I taught a six-session course in starting a novel - finding the strong push-off without which a writing project is unlikely to find completion. At the end of the sixth session, several in the class inquired whether I would repeat the course or teach a follow-up. At the time, I was wrapping up a novel of my own and told them, with regret, "No." With regret, because they were an unusual group of hard-working and talented writers.
At length, I told them, "I'll give it a try - if we can meet in my home, and if we can meet every two weeks instead of every week."
Sixteen years later, every other Wednesday morning, many of that original band are still pulling up to my messy, book-littered home, manuscripts in hand. We've seen the publication of short stories, novels, essays and memoir pieces.
A recent success from the group is Miriam Karmel's "Being Esther" published by Milkweed Editions. "Esther" is a deliciously funny and tender novel that has enchanted critics.
Can you imagine my pride and joy in being doula to such a fine baby?
I hear someone asking, "Isn't this writing by committee?" Not by a long shot. At every step, a Wednesday writer may disagree with or ignore the suggestions of the group. And they do disagree with and ignore, understanding that it is they who must finally be responsible for the work.
After 16 years with my Wednesday People, I am no longer the instructor, I am the mentor. We are now colleagues, aiding each other