Essay about Biology: Stem Cell and Advanced Medical Procedures

Submitted By jjansen4
Words: 1064
Pages: 5

The Power of Cloning Everyone remembers the famous sheep Dolly who was successfully cloned nearly seventeen years ago. Although it may be remembered, cloning is something that few truly understand. I myself did not even realize the magnitude of power and advanced medical procedures that cloning is capable of prior to doing extensive research over the past few days. In a little less than two decades this research has come a long way and continues to advance itself further than anyone every believed it could go. I will begin by sharing the capabilities that cloning has, then discuss how different philosophers would feel, and finally discuss how I personally feel. It all began in Scotland's capital Edinburgh at the center of Regenerative Medicine. By advancing the technology that was used to create Dolly, scientists can now re-create brain tissues. By simply generating a skin sample from a patient suffering with a mental illness, they can create new brain tissues which can then be studied. This is a huge scientific leap because they could not just scrape part of the patients brain off to look at the problem that lies within. By collecting and cloning a skin sample they have the ability to study the neurons; neurons are the part of the cell that electrically transmit signals to the brain and central nervous system. In the past it was very difficult to study the living human body. Scientist generally had to study dead bodies, and even then it was hard because the cells had already died off. Scientist believe that if they are able to advance there knowledge farther that someday it might not be impossible to cure such things as cancer and brain diseases. Scientists have already begun looking into ways to help cure multiple sclerosis—MS is a disease that attacks the nerves, often leaving the person paralyzed. MS is a tricky disease, in some people it progresses very slowly and in others the disease takes over very quickly. So, what they are doing is taking cell samples from each of the two different cases and comparing them to see if there are any significant differences. I have given some of the facts about cloning and the benefits and positive impacts that scientists believe it could have on all of us, now I will share how I believe some great philosophers would feel on this topic. John Mills was a British philosopher and a firm believer in Utilitarianism; a view that in order to live a happy healthy life, one must try to obtain the most happiness for himself and for the people around him. Under the belief of utilitarianism one pursues that in which will make them the most happy, or in the opposite case that which will make them the least unhappy. Mill believed that if it was necessary to kill one person in order to create the overall good, then this is the route that should be pursued. Taking all of this in consideration I would have to believe that Mill would say that using stem cells is an okay act, even though you may be killing a potential baby, it is for an overall good of the possibility of curing diseases. For Mill this would be the path to the most happiness, because the potential to stop thousands of peoples pain and suffering outweighs the bad of destroying a few stem cells. Another well known philosopher by the name of John Rawls, argued his ideas from the original position under which he called “the veil of ignorance.” Under this imaginary veil he tells us to imagine a life and a set of rules that we could get placed in to, but we are unaware of where we will be placed into that given society. He called this his justice of fairness system, because if we had to make laws and circumstances not knowing how they would effect us, we would be more likely to make fair choices for everyone. He believed that under