Biology: Nature versus Nurture and Parental Support Essay

Submitted By habib22
Words: 570
Pages: 3

Nature vs Nurture Essay
In today’s world, there has been plenty of debate on nature versus nurture, and which is more important in determining whether a person will be successful or not. In the film, Vincent shows that you can overcome your genetic disadvantage with human spirit. Many scientists and people have shown that nurture is extremely important in the early days of life and it is definitely more important than nurture. Parental support and presence as well as location and opportunities plays a big part in a person’s life in determining their success.

“There Is No Gene For The Human Spirit”. The caption of the film says a lot about Vincent. Vincent’s younger brother was much more beloved by his parents then him. Even though he was younger, he was taller and was always better than Vincent was. Vincent overcame his genetic disadvantages with human spirit. He always lost to his brother in a swimming race but he had belief and Vincent ended up Winning. Vincent wanted to work in GATTACA but was told he was not smart enough and the closest he would get to that place was cleaning it. This did not stop Vincent from trying and even though he did not get into GATTACA correctly, he was smart enough to stay working for them.

Home environment is important in determining success of a person. DNA gives you the characteristics of a person but cannot determine whether a person will be successful or not. If you live on farm in a rural area, there is more chance you will be farmer or work locally than go to university. A person could be intelligent but could not have many opportunities as other people because of their location or wealth. Other people could be not as intelligent but have more opportunities like becoming a big company owner or being a millionaire because they might have known people or be a rich family. Diet, stress, prenatal nutrition, peer pressure, and television also plays a huge part in determining if the person will be success.

Parental support and presence plays a big part in a child’s development. Many children have been found or come back from the wild, and were unable to speak, and most could not act like humans, which shows how