Biology: Final Examination and East Georgia College Essay examples
Submitted By philmleg
Words: 1175
Pages: 5
A unit of the University System of Georgia
131 College Circle
Swainsboro, Georgia 30401-2699
Spring 2012
INSTRUCTOR: Jimmy Wedincamp, Ph.D.
COURSE: Biology 1107 and 1108 (Principles of Biology). This course is an introduction to the science of Biology. Topics covered include the chemical and cellular basis of life, the perpetuation of life, and evolutionary biology. Because of the large volume of material covered in this course, it is important that you keep up on a daily basis.
PREREQUISITES: Students must complete all developmental learning support courses prior to enrolling in BIOL 1107. The prerequisite for BIOL 1108 is BIOL 1107.
TEXTBOOK: Campbell, Concepts and Connections 7/e by Neil Campbell , Jane Reece , Martha Taylor, Eric J. Simon and Jean Dickey (Textbook ISBN-10: 0-321-69681-6 or Textbook ISBN-13: 978-0-321-69681-6)
COURSE OBJECTIVES: East Georgia College assesses student learning based on the achievement of 11 general education learning outcomes. Outcomes I, III, V, and VIII are incorporated into this course and are listed in parentheses after each of the following course objectives. A list of the 11 general education learning outcomes is attached to this syllabus. 1. Practice in using the scientific method of problem solving. (V) 2. Develop a background of the basic principles of biological science. (III and VIII) 3. Develop basic laboratory skills. (I) 4. Develop a basic vocabulary of biological science. (I)
GRADING SCALE: Chapter Examinations 50% Cumulative Final Examination 25% Laboratory Examination 25%
Chapter Examination Average x .50=
Final Examination x .25=
Laboratory Examination x .25= +
Semester grade =
ATTENDANCE: Attendance is counted from the first scheduled class meeting of each semester. Three (3) tardies or early departures equal one (1) absence for the course(s) involved. In order for a student to receive credit for a course, a student must attend 90% of the scheduled instructional time. Arriving late or leaving class early means that you are missing part of the required instructional time. This will be noted on the attendance sheet and will count toward an absence. Three (3) late arrivals or early departures will constitute an absence.
There are only two (2) excused absences: jury duty and military duty. You are allowed to miss two (2) days of class. When you miss the third day, understand that you will be assigned a grade of F for the semester. (This also applies to 2 absences and 3 tardies.) You must fill out an official drop form and return it to the Registrars Office before the official drop date. Students will be allowed to drop one examination grade. This does not include the final exam or the lab exam. There are NO MAKEUP EXAMS!
CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: The use (out-going calls, in-coming calls, text messaging, camera use, game-playing, or any other use) of cell phones or pagers in the class room during the regularly scheduled class period is strictly prohibited. Phones/pagers should be stored out of sight of the instructor. Cell phones and pagers are to be turned off while in the classroom. If a phone or pager goes off in the classroom or is used in the classroom the student will be required to leave the classroom for the remainder of the period. Each incident of use in the classroom will result in 5 point reduction of the final average.
Eating and/or drinking in the classroom strictly prohibited. Each incident will result in 5 point reduction of the final average.
Use common courtesy when addressing other students and the instructor.
OFFICE HOURS: See posted schedule on office door (Room C-211).
MAKE-UP ASSIGNMENT POLICY: Students will not be allowed to makeup missed examinations. Students will be allowed to drop one examination grade. This does not include the final exam