Biofuels are becoming an increasingly important alternative to traditional forms of energy
Even though production of biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, is rapidly increasing, their contribution to total fuel consumption will remain limited. Biofuels are sources of energy produced directly or indirectly from organic material including animal waste and plant material. In order to be considered a biofuel, at least 80% of the fuel must be made from renewable materials. There are 3 main types of biofuels: ethanol, biodiesel and biojet fuel. Biofuels are considered to be renewable since they can be replaced as quickly as they are used however biofuels biofuel production requires the use of fossil fuels in the form of fertilizers, agrochemicals, These would be: the cost, the fact that there is an unlimited supply of resources to make the fuel with, it’s a renewable source that benefits our environment and it leads to economic stimulation and. First of all, the cost is an advantage since biofuels have to potential to be significantly less expensive than petroleum or any fossil fuel. This is possible due to the increasing worldwide demand for oil. Meanwhile, the supply for oil is diminishing, making biofuels more desirable whilst the prices are constantly fluctuating. Whereas fossil fuels are limited since they come from specific materials years ago, biofuels are renewable (since you can always produce more if it runs out) and can be manufactured from a variety of materials such as: crop waste, manure and other byproducts. This takes recycling to a new constructive level. Likewise, the amount of carbon emissions will also decrease drastically since when biofuels are used, they produce significantly less carbon and fewer toxins. This also makes them a safer alternative in order to preserve atmospheric quality and lower air pollution. In terms of economic stimulation, the economy will find stability as when using biofuels you can disregard afore mentioned fluctuating oil prices due to change in demand. This is because biofuels are produced locally. This will also lead to multiple job opportunities, resulting less unemployment, which is incredibly advantageous economically. Biofuel In fact, bioenergy covers an estimate of 10% of total world energy demand. According to the US Energy Information Administration, “the US produced more than 13.3 billion gallons of ethanol in 2013.” International organizations, as well as biofuel associations, have predicted the global growth of biofuel production in 2020 as they are expected to be a great substitute worldwide and they aren’t climate specific either like other renewable sources like solar or wind power. The PEW Charitable Trusts’ report suggests “the US is the current leader in biofuel investments with $1.5bn in 2012.” However, investment in biofuels fell by 47%, globally, between 2011 and 2012. Brazil and the US are responsible for the majority of global bioethanol production. International trade of biofuel is expected to grow rapidly over the next decade, mainly with exports from Brazil to the US and EU. However, biodiesel trade isn’t expected to grow due to matters with trade in palm oil and increased national production of biodiesel by consuming countries. In 2010, the European Biodiesel Board estimated that the European biodiesel production total was 9.6 million metric tons. They believe that the EU is responsible for over 50% of the world’s biodiesel output. However, production decreased by 10% to 8.6 metric tons in
Biofuels is a new forms of energy which are derived from biological carbon fixation and become a trend. People always say that it is a good green energy to replace the original energy forms, like diesel fuel and petrol fuel to reduce the carbon dioxide around the world(the impact) but people still argue with this energy forms because there are some advantages and disadvantages for the plant. This eassy will present the biofuels explanation, the advantages and disadvantages and find out are biofuels…
Biofuel is an effective substitute for fossil fuel. With the development of global industry, energy shortage has been a significant problem for many countries. The threat of fossil fuel exhaustion has always perplexed human society. It is urgent to create a new kind of fuel to replace fossil fuel before fossil fuel is depleted. This essay will discuss that the biofuel is an effective substitute for fossil fuel due to its renewability and environmental protection. Biofuel is better than fossil oil…
Advantages of Biofuels: Biofuels are being implemented for a number of uses within the residential and industrial sector in the hope it will stop the discharge of greenhouse gases through its ability of being ‘carbon neutral’, as the carbon dioxide they release when burnt is generally equal to the amount that the plants captivated out of the atmosphere; contributing to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions up to 65% (Durante, Sneller 2009, pg. 7). Biofuels are considered a renewable source as…
standard diesel engines, its economic and environmental impact have both been witnessed by the industry. Though debate has been ongoing since people argue that nations with large economies will require large tracts of land to transition fully to biofuels, the environmental influence by producing and using biodiesel –reduction of waste and reduction in greenhouse gas emissions - cannot be ignored. (Biodiesel, 2014) Biodiesel Operations Management Operations management is “the development and administration…
Hemp can lead to biofuels, food products, and industrial products ranging anywhere from paper to building materials. Ever since the early twentieth century though hemp has been outlawed and replaced by many less environmentally friendly products such as paper from trees. This leads us to believe that The legalization of industrial hemp could lead to positive effects on our agricultural lifestyle, have a beneficial impact on the environment, and the production of multiple biofuels. Currently agriculture…
literature. Gaps in the literature on China’s renewable energy economy include the need for more comprehensive econometric studies. The literature may also benefit from more collaboration between renewable energy economists and agricultural economists. ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. JEL classification: D24 O33 Q41 Keywords: China Biofuel Biomass Renewable energy Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .…
mixture before the remaining water is removed. The result is essentially pure alcohol. A small amount of gas is added to render the liquid undrinkable. Then the fuel can be used by itself or as a supplement to gasoline to power cars. Ethanol has three advantages, at least in theory: It's renewable, it can be domestically produced, and it burns cleaner than gas. The world's largest producers of ethanol are the U.S., which makes it primarily from corn, and Brazil, which mashes the stuff out of sugarcane”…
in energy infrastructure? What are the tensions, costs and conflicts of energy insecurity? What are the costs and benefits of exploiting an area for the resources? Why have TNCs economical and political power increased? Energy security and the future What is the range of supply and demand and economic projections to develop uncertainty? What are the advantages and disadvantages of energy options? What is the effect of the 'business as usual' framework' on energy security?…
possible with clean energy, it will signify the start of a beginning in the global automotive industry. Despite some opposition to carry through with McDole 2 funding for advanced fuel alternatives, the Japanese government has concluded the long term benefits of this process will far outweigh the expense. Already during the first few years of production, the economic impacts were realized, but the major improvements have yet to be discovered. Japanese scientists believe that expansive research into environmentally…
Agriculture, also called farming or husbandry, is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel and other products used to sustain life.[1] Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization ( Our human civilization survives on agriculture. We would not be alive if it wasn’t for the production of agriculture. People today need to realize that their everyday lifestyle is based on agriculture. We take something…