Bio 101/109 Biological Diversity, Ecology and Evolution
Term: Winter 2015
Credits: 3
Dr. Meshagae Hunte-Brown Office/Phone: PISB 221; 215-895-2064
Office Hours: M 11:00-noon and by appointment
What is Life? A Guide to Biology with Physiology by Jay Phelan
Drexel Custom Bound Volume 2
Chapters 8-19
Supplementary Materials: Turning Point QT Clickers will be used as a means of continuous assessment of participation in lectures. The clicker will also be used to administer exams
Course description:
This course is designed to provide a topical and interactive introduction to biology for the non-major. The course will begin by telling the story of how we ended up with so many different types of living things. We will discuss the variety of all living things and the features that make each group unique. The course will also include discussions of how living things affect each other and the world in which they live. Finally, we will use all that we learned to explore and explain the effects that humans have had on the living world.
Coarse objectives and Goals:
The goal is for you to understand the scientific basis of the natural world that you see everyday and to be aware of processes as well as objects. You will be able to make informed decisions on matters that may affect the environment, even indirectly. You should be able to weigh environmental impact as part of decision making in voting, spending money, and other activities.
Academic Expectations/Class Policies:
Students should be familiar with the policies, schedule and requirements of this course as included in this syllabus
Cell phones, PDAs, computers may NOT be used during class. No texting, speaking, music, or any other form of distraction is allowed in class to show respect to your peers and your instructor. Cell phones may be kept on vibrate to receive Drexel-wide emergency communications only.
Students are responsible for any material covered in lecture, the corresponding material in the textbook, and any supplementary materials provided by the Instructor or TA.
Students are expected to review the assigned reading material. To successfully complete this course, you will need to review all of the assigned reading material on your own and be prepared for any questions that may arise from it.
Exams will be given during the Common Exam 080. They will consist of all multiple choice questions using Scantron answer sheets.
Make-up exams or exams given earlier than scheduled will be given only under extenuating circumstances [travel is not usually considered an extenuating circumstance]. University policy dictates that the only excuse for missing an exam is a serious illness, with a Doctor’s note, a documented death, a documented athletic event, an approved Religious observance or an unavoidable accident. In the event that a make is approved, it must be taken within 1 week of the original exam date. Instructors and TA’s must be made aware of any potential absences due to University approved Athletic events and/or Religious observances by the end of Week One so that make up assignments can be constructed. Notification after an absence for these reasons will NOT be accepted.
Each of the quizzes will be available online on the course Bb Learn site from the date indicated on the syllabus until the last day of classes in week 10. Quizzes will consist of Multiple Choice, True/False, and Fill-in-the-Blank questions.
If you are having trouble with any of the material, please see the professor or your TA as soon as possible. Do not wait until the day before the exam.
Academic Honesty:
The following is the official Biology Department statement on Honesty: "Academic honesty is extremely important. Cheating, academic misconduct, plagiarism, and fabrication are serious breaches of academic integrity and will be dealt with according to University policy set up by the Office of Judicial Affairs".
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