Use this document to report your findings from the EvolutionLab Exploration Experiment. The lab report consists of three sections: Data, Exploration, and Lab Summary.
Data: copy any data, graphs, charts, or notes that you have saved in your EvolutionLab online notebook into this section.
Exploration: Answer the questions. The questions in the Exploration section are the same questions in your EvolutionLab instructions.
Lab Summary: Write a 100- to 200-word summary.
EvolutionLab Lab Notes for A User
Input Parameters
Initial Beak Size: 12.0 mm 12.0 mm
Heritability: 0.7 0.7
Variance: 1.0 1.0
Clutch Size: 10.0 eggs 10.0 eggs
Precipitation: 0.0 cm 50.0 cm
Population: 200.0 birds 200.0 birds
Island Size: 0.5 km 0.5 km