Essay Bio 201

Submitted By Morgan_15
Words: 393
Pages: 2

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or heartburn
Gastroesophageal reflux disease happens when the lower esophageal sphincter opens spontaneously or does not close right and the stomach contents go into the esophagus. This can happen for various periods of time. When the acid goes into the esophagus it can be tasted in the back of the mouth and it can cause a burning sensation in the chest or throat, this is called heartburn or acid indigestion. Lifestyle changes include quitting smoking, no foods or beverages that worsen the symptoms, lose weight, eat small meals, avoid lying down for 3 hours after a meal and a few other choices. Diverticular Disease
Diverticulosis occurs when there is a formation of numerous tiny pockets in the lining of the bowel. The size can range for pea-size to larger. They are formed by increased pressure on weakened spots of the intestinal walls by gas, waste, or liquid. This disease can form while straining during a bowel movement with constipation. Diverticular disease involves the small sacs in the wall of the colon. If a person has diverticulosis without any symptoms or complications they do not need specific treatment but it is important to have a high-fiber diet. Crohn's Disease
Crohn’s Disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. It causes breaks in the lining of the small and large intestines but can also affect the digestive system from mouth to anus. Patients with mild to no symptoms may not need treatment; patients whose symptoms are absent may not