Binge Drinking In Sport
In some people’s eyes being a man is about having a drink and playing rugby, the following is a critical evaluation of whether or not our drinking culture is healthy or not healthy. The link between drinking and sport is strong in New Zealand with younger generations growing up in an environment that makes alcohol and sport seem normal. This normality that we grow up with gives us tendencies to think it’s alright to drink as after all our parents did it and their parents did it and so forth. With these tendencies our first thought after a day out of being with your mates kicking a footy around is to go have a few drinks and this in my eyes seems normal and fun. In this essay I will cover the questions of why we have this tendency to binge drink, the New Zealand drinking psyche and the big question of if this culture of associating alcohol with sport is actually healthy.
Every day you see billboards and TV ads. So every day you see an alcohol brand using sport as a selling point. For example Heineken use the Rugby World Cup as there selling point using lines like “One World, One Cup, One Beer” – Heineken associating rugby with drinking. Relationships include sponsorship of national and regional sports organisations, events, clubs, teams and individuals for a lot of alcohol companies. Different sports have varying levels of sponsorship from the alcohol industry and the relationship with alcohol sponsors takes many forms. More indirectly, funding from gaming societies (e.g., The Lion Foundation, New Zealand Community Trust, Pub Charity), which have direct links to the alcohol industry through profits from gaming machines on licensed premises, is an important source of revenue. Estimates of the level of alcohol advertising and promotion (including unmeasured media and sponsorship) range from around $73 million to up to $165 million per annum (note: this is for all advertising and promotion in New Zealand). Among the sports clubs surveyed, it is estimated that, on average, around 9% of clubs’ income is received from alcohol industry sponsorship (including an estimated value of products/supplies “in kind”). May this not seem a big deal as all it is, is advertising, the real deal is how it affects our thinking. All these ads pose the idea that you have the best times drinking alcohol and the normalization that occurs from this sinks into our brains giving us these tendencies to think getting drunk will make us have a good night. Think about it all of those beer ads on TV are brilliant, who doesn’t want to visit the Tui factory have a look at the girls, have a beer and watch some rugby. Steinlager do it well also by associating alcohol and rugby with pride and history by going back to 1987 when it came in a white can. All of this has influenced us since we were young, subconsciously allowing for us to think of alcohol as a good time and something that is good for you. Constant environs from alcohol related sporting campaigns, New Zealand drinking psyche and New Zealand’s drinking culture that is passed on through generations are to blame for our drinking tendencies
Most people choose team sport because it’s a social experience, and whether it’s rugby or soccer or anything else, having a beer after the game ... is just a part of the New Zealand psyche. From initiations to court sessions these types of moral building spectacles bring the social experience which exists in many team sports. Having a drink after the game or going out with the team is common social practice and allows for cohesion in the team. The New Zealand drinking psyche has been expanding in our brains ever since we were born with an attitude that makes getting smashed within a team environment seem normal. A common recital for teenagers 16-18 is to play rugby on a Saturday then go get smashed with your team mates. I know this for a fact as I have been in that situation with my mates many a time where we have gone out to a party together
Effects of Binge Drinking During College Alcohol use in the United States and in the rest of the world is a very common practice. Among people older than 12 years old 51.9% have used alcohol. The habit of drinking heavily over several days has increase among college students in the last decades. From 1990 to 2000 there was a decline in the binge drinking practice, but it resurfaced to its previous rate from 2001 to the present time (Gealt, Gunter, Martin, O’Connell and Visher, 2010). This kind…
The problem is, while Binge drinking has been defined as drinking more than 4-5 drinks in who consume 5-6 drinks and women who consume 4-5 drinks are also considered Binge Drinkers. Personally I do not think that sex matters, if someone is consuming multiple drinks to become highly Binge Drinking is an intriguing phenomenon that many college students take part in all across the country. The issue of binge drinking has been a problem on college campuses for decades. Binge drinking has many horrible growing…
unplanned sexual activity all have in common? They are all frequent results of binge drinking by college students. On a typical Friday or Saturday night you can find the average college student out drinking and having fun. Normally partying with friends at a party, bar, or club; most of these college students are underage consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, or as its better known, “binge drinking.”The term binge drinking is defined as the consumption of five or more drinks in a row by men and four…
Trouble in a Bottle Since the legalization of alcohol in our country people have been drinking a lot of it. People drink for all kinds of reasons. They like the way it makes them feel, it gives them the courage to say things they wouldn’t normally say, it takes them away from the rigors of life, or they just enjoy a social drink from time to time. In the case of collegiate students, drinking takes on a much bigger risk. People are more vulnerable at a young age to make dumb decisions. They…
The stats show that raising the drinking age to 21 has had a positive impact on drinking problems occurred by our nation’s youth, but in the governments haste to produce results have they overlooked something? There is more than one way to address any problem and our policy makers should keep in mind that their policy, despite good intentions, should not undermined the foundation of our country. Unfortunately, all debate on this subject gets muddled by emotional argument, which devalues…
Perils of Prohibition: Why We Should Lower the Drinking Age to 18 Elizabeth Whelan, President, ACSH / Newsweek 25may95 My colleagues at the Harvard School of Public Health, where I studied preventive medicine, deserve high praise for their recent study on teenage drinking. What they found in their survey of college students was that they drink "early and...often," frequently to the point of getting ill. As a public-health scientist with a daughter, Christine, heading to college this fall, I have…
Count: 869 Argument Essay Binge drinking by college students and sexual violence and abuse on college campuses are currently issues of the government have been considering passing new laws. Two articles, “How Bingeing Became the New College Sport,” by Barrett Seaman, and “Duke’s Sexist Sexual Misconduct Policy,” by Cathy Young, provide their ideas on these concerns. Both authors offer evidence, reasons and examples to make the topics clearer. Seaman claims that the minimum drinking age of twenty one cannot…
Alcohol has many effects on the body, especially the teenage body. Alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence are not only adult problems -- they also affect a significant number of adolescents and young adults between the ages of 12 and 20, even though drinking under the age of 21 is illegal (Dimeff 204). Alcohol is created when grains, fruits, or vegetables are fermented. Fermentation is a process that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars in the food into alcohol. Fermentation is used to produce…
Diaz 1 Trevor Diaz Dodson English III ap 12 March, 2013 Under-age Drinking Under-age drinking is a tremendous issue not only in Central Louisiana but also throughout the whole nation. It is a problem that all parents, and or guardians, should be aware of. In order to help cut down the percentage of under age DUI’s In Central Louisiana one could create a community club, strengthen identification policies, and even harshen the consequences of current underage DUI’s. Community Help When dealing with…
I. About France A. Background info 1. Location - Most people associate French culture with Paris, which is a center of fashion, cuisine, art and architecture, but life outside of the City of Lights is very different and varies by region. Historically, the French culture was influenced by Celtic and Gallo-Roman cultures as well as the Franks, a Germanic tribe. France was initially defined as the western area of Germany known as Rhineland but it later came to refer to a territory that was known…