Bible Study Outline Essay

Words: 807
Pages: 4

Michael Flora
Bible Study Outline
What is the text that the study will focus on? Mark 11:12-25
What is the context of the passage (what’s going on around the passage that helps us understand it better)?
Jesus said and his disciples are traveling to Jerusalem. Jesus curses a fig tree upon entering Jerusalem. He cleanses a temple because the people there are selling things instead of using the temple for its main purpose of worship. The fig tree withers and will not produce fruit again. Jesus tells the disciples to have faith in God.
Essential Question:

What must you “believe” in order to “receive” from God?
Opening Prayer:
Lord Jesus,
Help us see things you have planned for us so our faith in you continues to grow. We thank you in advance

Were you praying for it?

2. Jesus says we must forgive. Do you think this is necessary in order to have our prayers answered?

Book Questions:
1. What does Jesus say to the Fig tree? What does this say about Jesus when he is angry?

2. What was happening inside the temple that angered Jesus?

3. Why were teachers and priests of religious law afraid of Jesus?

4. Who points out that the Fig tree has withered and died?

5. What does Jesus tell the disciples they must have?

Look Questions:
1. Why was Jesus mad at the Fig tree? Why would Jesus curse the Fig tree for not having Figs, if it wasn’t the season for them?

2. How does the lack of fruit on the Fig tree similar to the people that were in the temple?

3. Why do you think Jesus referred to the temple as a “den of thieves?”

4. How does the withered Fig tree represent the spiritual condition of Israel?

5. Jesus tells the disciples to “Have faith in God.” Do you think they were surprised to hear this?

Took Questions:
1. What is one thing Jesus is teaching us with the parable of the Fig tree?

2. Is there someone you need to forgive that has offended or mistreated you?


Has your unwavering faith in Jesus ever brought you or a family member physical or spiritual healing?

2.Has anyone tried to stop you from getting closer to knowing more about Jesus? If so, how did you react?

Book Questions:
1. Why did many people yell at the beggar to be quiet?

2. Why didn’t the beggar ask Jesus for money or food?

3. What does Jesus tell the beggar has healed him?

4. What two names does the beggar call Jesus?

5. What do these two names prove to Jesus?

Look Questions:
1. How does Bartimaeus show his persistent faith?

2. Why did many rebuke Bartimaeus? Do you think he was use to this treatment?

3. Why is it important that the beggar refers to Jesus as “Rabbi?”

4. Why did Bartimaeus throw off his cloak, and not keep it with him?

5. Why do you think Bartimaeus decided to follow Jesus down the road?

Took Questions:
1. What is God teaching us through the story of Bartimaeus?

2. Is there someone struggling with faith you can encourage by sharing Bartimaeus’s story?

Closing Prayer:
Lord Jesus,
Thank you for healing Bartimaeus so you can show us that anything is possible when you believe and have faith in God. We will continue to pray and have faith in you, and know that when your timing is right we will be healed.