The next issue we at Competitive Edge have noticed is the lack of leadership supervision within the staff. You have a department head which is vital in collaborating with other heads and the CEO and having that upper management presence disbursing tasks and such. The issue with this is that Warren in this specific instance does not truly recognize what each employee’s skill set is, this is due to the fact that he does not supervise their work and does not have a supervisor that does that can inform him of their strengths and weaknesses. The solution is to adapt a management role into your employee hierarchy. With what we have learned so far about your employees we would recommend Gail for the position. Like we have mentioned before she is a tenured employee who likes to help others and has an eye for details. These can all be great qualities in a supervisor. She can grow people like Nick into the employee that can complete a task like the one Warren handed him. With Gail as a supervisor Warren would assign her all of the tasks and it would be her responsibility to distribute them to the team and oversee the tasks she designates to others. With the supervisor role it would also be her duty to see that staff members are organized and on track to meet deadlines. All of the senior employees have different traits about them that offer diversity to the team but without someone leading them and guiding them to maximize on their positive