Name Institution Course Instructor Date of Submission Bernoulli’s principle Introduction A given fluid flowing through a conduit must conform to scientific principles such as the principles of mass and energy conservation (LaNasa 7). For steady fluid flow conditions, the velocity of the flowing fluid is inversely proportional to the fluid pressure and the flow area. Bernoulli's principle describes the relationship between the pressure and the velocity of a fluid flowing in a pipe. The Bernoulli’s law states that for a non-viscous fluid flowing in a pipe, an increase in velocity of the fluid will result to a decrease in both pressure and potential energy and vice versa (Young et al., 3). For a pipe of varying cross-sections, the fluid will…show more content… Thus, it remains relevant to life-long learning and continued research. Apart from fluid flow in conduits, Bernoulli’s principle is applied in varied areas including air flights, lifts, base balls and sailing. A comprehensive analysis of Bernoulli’s principle has also been performed recently in open-channel hydraulics (Young et al., 8). From this experiment, it was observed that a minimum specific energy and pressure is attained at the point where the free surface flow converges in flumes and weirs. Bernoulli’s principle has also been applied in venturi meters and orifice plates to measure fluid flow velocity. In this regard, the venturi meter is placed into a pipeline in order to reduce its diameter and induce change in velocity. As a result, the pressure of the flowing fluid decreases towards the region where the diameter is reduced. Generally, Bernoulli’s principle is employed in different real-life hydraulic applications, suggesting the need for life-long…show more content… In addition, the principle has been applied in flow measurement across pipes and fittings of varied sizes. The applicable piping components of interest to Bernoulli’s principle include: rough and smooth pipes, bends, valves and orifice/venturi meters. Some previous works where Bernoulli’s principle has been extensively applied embody experiments pertaining to: Losses in straight pipes; Sudden contraction and expansion in pipes; Losses in valves and strainers; and Flow measurement. In addition, the fluid flow conditions studied in class also relate to previous works that apply Bernoulli’s principle
Background Bernoulli’s principle has been applied in several experiments pertaining to pipe losses. Assuming that there is no friction along the stream line, Bernoulli’s principle states that “the total head of a fluid flow throughout a system is constant.” This relationship can be expressed as follows: p1/p + (V1⌃2)/2g + z1 = p2/p + (V2⌃2)/2g + z2 = h = constant … [1] Where: p is the static pressure of the fluid ρ is the density of the fluid g is the gravitational acceleration v is the fluid flow mean velocity z is the elevation head with respect to a datum h is the total