Daniela Vega
Beans are one the most important grain legumes for human consumption in the world. Its presence throughout the history of Mexico, has become not only a traditional food, but also an element of cultural identification. Bean plant is one the most important comparable with other products such as corn and chili, which are basic to explain the mexican diet food of yesterday, today and probably the future. In Mexico it is possible to find small, medium and large scale of bean producers.The economic, agricultural and industrial value which are associated with the grains and seed, are important in the Mexican families. Beans are important to Mexican people for its health benefits, the economy in the country, and for the customs and traditions. First of all, beans are a good element if you want a healty life. However, within the mexican diet beans are a treasure that nowdays can be found all over the world, it is easy to cultivate, has a delicious flavor, is very nutritious and has an affordable price. This food is the bean. Beans are a good source of complex carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals and fiber. Also, have a lower fat content. These are reasons why the mexican cuisine prefer beans. In addition, some types, especially soya beans, are demonstrating impressive health benefits. Diets rich in beans are being used to may ease the symptoms of menopause, prevent some form of cancer, reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your bone, among other benefits. For example, poor people who doesn't have enough money for eat something more than beans, have a healthy life style. This is the case for a great number of people in Mexico. Food is the base of the economy in the country and beans are one of the grains with more consumption in Mexico. The bean industry covers almost the whole country. Mexico have a grat numer of agricultors dedicated to harvest beans. As a generator of work, beans are an important factor in the rural econmy. For example, for Mexican people is a great opportunimy to generate income when they can grow up their own bean plants and sale the