Marketing Campaign That Would Enhance Awareness Of Beams Web-Store
Submitted By ophelia1991
Words: 488
Pages: 2
The strategy for a marketing campaign that would enhance awareness of beams web-store.
There are 5 internet marketing steps in which beams can enhance awareness to their web-store through a marketing campaign. Firstly beams would have to define their target market. In this case beams target market is retailers and also working with brands, therefore beams would have to come up with a marketing campaign which would reach worldwide retailers.
Websites that we have looked at which can promote beams is facebook, twitter and YouTube. Beams will also have to look at the quality of current ads and the other competitors that are already advertising on facebook, twitter and YouTube.
Beams have listed in their mission statement that they are enthusiastic about building their business and reputation by always remaining the supplier of first choice to their customers. Beams marketing objectives is to build awareness of their customers brands by offering new marketing opportunities to drive consumer sales.
Market penetration- this is the strategy beams should use to gain their competitors customers, also they can gain new users and convince their customers to use beams service more often.
Beams should make a twitter account in which they can post links within the tweets which would bring people back to their website where they can find out more about what kind of services beams offers. Also because twitter is such a personal social network beams should have employees available that can reply to tweets from people this can be a great benefit to their company. Beams can also use twitter to share new ideas and communicate with their customers.
Beams already have a facebook account but they should get a business account and by having twitter account they can join their twitter account to their facebook account so that their tweets can stream on their facebook page and post on all the people who have liked their page facebook walls. Beams should also create a facebook
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