Bc Tourism Essay

Submitted By MaxWang1997
Words: 290
Pages: 2

Tourism, Recreation, and entertainment
British Columbia is one of the best places for travelling in the planet. The province diverse geography and breathtaking scenery, have become a resource of increasing economic value. The fastest-growing industries in the province are Tourism and Recreation.
British Columbia is a worldwide destination for tourism and recreation. There’s a large number of tourists, because of many attraction of the province. From whale watching to skiing.
The completion of the Canadian pacific railway established tourism in British Columbia. To provide accommodation for its passengers, the CPR built hotels in scenic areas such as Banff, Lake Louise, and Victoria.
Several years later, increasing use of vehicles and almost every family have a car encouraged touring. The impact of the automobile continued to grow as the highway system expanded. For example, when the Coquihalla highway opened in1986, it made the Okanagan valley more accessible to people from the lower main land and even the U.S.
The waters of the west coast have also attracted a great number of tourists from around the world. In the early 20th century, tourists were content with day trips from Vancouver to the gulf island. Today, luxury cruises to Vancouver, whale watching excursions, and trips to remote lodges for fishing and recreation are common.
Hiking on the west coast trail has also become popular as more people seek out the dwindling number of natural and unspoiled places on the