he Boyne – Part One royal-blue1 A Royal dutch blue guard
In these days where many are striving for a lasting peace, hearts are hoping to realise the dream of our community achieving a greater unity.
There are two legitimate ways in which those of us that hold this hope in our hearts can begin to celebrate our traditions together. These ways lie hidden in our traditions and in the history books.
Fact: A significant number of Catholic soldiers fought with King William of Orange in the Battle of the Boyne
Pope Alexander the 8th sanctioned Catholics from all over Europe to fight against King James on July 1st 1690 in the Battle of the Boyne. Pope Alexander did this because James was teaming up with Louis XIV of France who was trying to take over other countries in Europe.There were two whole regiments of Catholics known as the Royal Dutch Blue Guards fighting for William.
Pope Innocent XI blessing William of Orange.
Pope Innocent XI blessing William of Orange.
Indeed Alexander’s predecessor Pope Innocent XI was painted by the Dutch artist Peiter Van Der Meulen giving his blessing to the Dutch King William. The original of the painting pictured here was mysteriously misplaced after it was removed for restoration after being vandalised in Stormont in Northern Ireland on the 8th March 1933.
King William can be seen here on his white charger. This is the image commonly seen in Ulster on the 12th of July. (Click on the picture to see more)
Fact: St Patrick, the Catholic Patron Saint of Ireland was not Irish. He came from what he himself referred to as being Britain when he said in his confession,
“And again after a few years I was in Britain with my people.” and, “Wherefore, then, even if I