Basic rights at work
Wages - All employees are entitled to be paid for the work they have done. They are also entitled to be paid if they are ready and willing to work but their employer has not provided them with any work to do, unless your employment contract says otherwise.
Written statement of the main terms and conditions of employment – The statement must be given the details about the job title, wages, and hours of work, sick pay and holiday entitlement. All employees, regardless of the number of hours they work per week, are entitled to receive a written statement from their employer
Rights at work – The rights at work will be depend on your statutory rights and your contract of employment if your contract gives you greater rights than you have under law, for example, your contract gives you six weeks' paid holiday per year, then your contract applies.
Holiday pay - By the law to paid annual leave to the full-time workers are entitled at least 5.6 weeks a leave year. If you work part-time, you're entitled to a pro rata amount. There are some workers who are not entitled to paid holiday.
Health and safety - All employers have a statutory duty to take care of the health and safety of all their employees, for example, they should provide first aid equipment, and adequate means of escape in case of fire, protective clothing and ensure all machinery is safe for the employers.
Sickness - Many employees will be entitled to statutory sick pay if they are off work due to sickness and some employees may receive occupational sick pay from their employer but this will depend on their contract of employment.
Harassment and discrimination - Discrimination can be either direct or indirect. Direct discrimination when someone is treated worse than other people for some reason. For example, if an Asian employee is not selected for promotion because of their race, this is direct race discrimination. Indirect discrimination where the employees cannot be meets a requirement which is not justifiable in terms of the work and they are at a disadvantage as a result. For example, if the employer only gives training to full-time workers, this would indirectly discriminate