Based On Rev 1317 Official Version (3) 1.3.1)

Submitted By Raquel93
Words: 1054
Pages: 5

PCSP DOCUMENTATION Based on rev 1317 Official Version v0.3.0

1 2 Generally ............................................................................................................................. 1 Changelog ........................................................................................................................... 1 2.1 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 3.2 V0.3.0 ........................................................................................................................... 1 v 0.2.0 .......................................................................................................................... 2 v 0.1.1 .......................................................................................................................... 3 General Configuration ................................................................................................. 4 Memory Card Manager ............................................................................................... 6

Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 4

PCSP Documentation

1 Generally
PCSP is a WIP emulator.

2 Changelog
2.1 V0.3.0
General ------- Fiber support in threadman - Fixed analogue pad emulation - Added joystick/joypad support - Fixed QPspScreen size - Better way to use QGLFormat - QPspScreen : now uses QGLWidget instead of QWidget (a.k.a we now use QT's opengl) - Added screenshot support - Added argument for being able to open debugger from pcsp-udb - Added partial save support. Some games can now save their status (puzzle bobble for instance and few more). - PSF loader rewrite to support proper saves. - Fixed an old bug in memory card manager (wasn't recongnize kxpoit files correctly) - Dynamic change between shader and opengl version. From menu option you can enable/disable shaders dynamically while pcsp is running HLE improvements ---------------- Fixes for Atrac3plus - correcting sceKernelFreeHeapMemory

New HLE implementations ----------------------sceKernelVolatileMemLock,sceKernelVolatileMemTryLock,sceKernelVolatileMemUnlock implementations Implemented sceIoDevctrl 0x02025801 instruction Added scePsmf and scePsmfPlayer basic faking GE --improve loops in Decoder -texture are better rendered -added mipmapping support -added viewport command - compatible with window resizing -fixed scissor bug so it is compatible with window resizing Page 1

PCSP Documentation -Now compressed textures can use mipmapping as expected -Fix alignment for CLUT indexed textures -DrawPrimitives advances vertex or index adddress so we can execute several PRIM after one VTYPE : Skate Park City and Obscure -Improved Texture caching using a XOR based key because Lemmings and Worms had issues with it -Added vertex and fragment shaders -A lot more fixes to opengl and shaders renderers

2.2 v 0.2.0
Full VFPU support (many with some bugs and not optimized) Added command line parser to pcsp so it can be used with pcsp-xmb and pcsp-udb. Added a critical message when trying to run the emulator with a CPU without SSE/SSE2 instruction set -New texture system -Now supports correct DXT and other formats that used to be wrong. -Also does correct blending, texture states etc. -Better clear function. -Implementation of the NREV ge command (normal reverse) -Implementation of CMD_XPOS1, CMD_XPOS2 and CMD_XSIZE -Implementation of sceDisplayAdjustAccumulatedHcount,sceDisplayGetVcount,sceDisplayGetCurrentHcount,sce GeEdramGetAddr -Fixed sceGeEdramGetSize -Implementation of sceImposeGetBatteryIconStatus . -New IO system -Supports directory reading , raw sector reading , correctly memcard IO operations and a lot more fixes -Fixed some alloc/dealloc mismatches -Intergrated debugger -Logger/Stdout/Stderr tabs in Debugger -Sysmem viewer -Added window menu so each dock window can toggleview -Implementation of sceKernelGetSystemTime , sceKernelSysClock2USec -Correct