Baroque History Notes Essay

Submitted By scjarvis
Words: 1775
Pages: 8

Baroque Art History Notes

RELIGION is huge in the Baroque period.
*1517 Martin luther walked up to the door of the church and nails a piece of paper, 95 Thesis. It was 95 complaints of the Roman Catholic Church in the 16th century. He felt that the church had become corrupted by power and greed. Had moved away from the commom man and moved toward the ELITE. Reformation : turned into the Protestant Reformation. Never intended to break away but Martin Luther had to run away because he had a price on his head

The Catholic Church had two ways of attacking it. 1) Grudgingly accepted that Martin Luther was right in some areas, which turned into the Counter Reformation.
1. Corrected the problems within the church such as making sure the priest knew how to read Latin.
2. Now aimed back at the common man **St Teresa Sculptures

SCIENCE was also a big impact of this period
*Astronomy – The study of planets and their movements before they believed in the GEOCENTRIC (the earth was the center of the universe, Gensis :the earth was first formed) Now that changed and made the sun the center of the universe.

*Missionaries were on every ship
*Finding new lands and realizing that the world was not flat but rather round

Major Concepts of the High Renaissance Classical Themes and Motifs Idealization of the Human Figure The correct description of a 3D on a 2D surface The influence of Geometry and Mathematics on compositions Qualities such as : Restraint, Grandeur, Precision, Balance, Illusionism. Artists: Raphael – likes to use the oval for his benefit which was thought to be an unstable form. Da Vinci Michelangelo Titan Tintoretto Careggio

Mannerism – The the style of manner, an art of the elite Begins in Florence. Both a response to the HIGH RENAISSANCE and a reaction all the way to the 1580's Parmigianino – Madonna with the long Neck – Gratia = grace, the ideal woman Madonna is being compared to the vessel wrapped up in the angels. The woman was a vessel for child bearing “Cupid and Venus”/ “Madonna and child” - very sexual, going away from nature which brought a rejection of the real world .

Baroque!!!: comes from the Portuguese word “baroque” – which means to identify a misshaped pearl

*High renaissance was ordered, intellectual, and controlled VS. Baroque is emotional, luxuriant, expansive, chaotic.

Begins in the 1580's when it starts to begin.

ARTISTS: Caravaggio ,Carracci(1.anniballe) *there are three Carracci
The Flight into Egypt by Anniballe Carracci
*These two artists reject MANNERISM, and return to the clarity and naturalism of the high renaissance ARTISTS: Barlini
“Chariot of Apollo” - by Guido Reni

NATURALISM – emulate nature and represent the way the human eye perceives objects, porportions will be fairly natural, textures, light will be placed realistic

unseen life of man - emotional life, facial expressions The Damned soul – by Bernini Anguish Close up of Teresa - by Bernini Ecstasy, Subdued
2)Moral lessons about
3)Present the Religious Figures as Leaders
4)Religious Art should be the textbook of the Masses

Light – Revealer of truth, symbol of the divine presence, symbol of knowledge or awakening
Motion – Dynamic motion rather than calm geometric
Time – certain times of day such as breakfast or noon, ordinations of everyday life, ages of man, four seasons, Temporal Nature of life *Vinatias – means vanity
Space – expanse of landscapes
Theatre – life was scene as a theatre, curtains, stages, as compositions
Baroque is all about the emotions!!

Rome - 1)Center for the High Renaissance 2)The Papacy is located here 3)Huge number of wealthy patrons lived here... Money = Art
It was a cultural crossroads, great international unit in