In introduces the COO Scott, from Barcelona Restaurant group who states he had to define a philosophy , He figured the more he say it the more he preaches it and the more people he hires and tell that to eventually that will happen and he states he think they are getting there three years later.
COO Scotts said s that Human resources is one of the most important things they do in their business, because he feels you can’t train people to be enthusiastic, nice, fun, great people. He said you have to hire that. And he says in doing it this way people are constantly moving. He feels the minute you stop looking that’s when you sliding backwards when it comes to progressing, it is a hiring and firing business.
COO Scotts talks about in the last three years maybe one or two mangers actually quit, however they have turned over 60% to 70% of management. They demanded a high level of quality and are not afraid to let anyone go. He feels that you need to continue give your best and in this business you can get burned out easily, because they have run into situations where people started out great and they had to let them go because they burnout.
During this transition, they realize judging an applicant’s work attitude is no easy task. However they use a three stage recruitment process. By the end of the process Scott will either possess the necessary intelligence and skills to run a restaurant or they don’t. In closing, Scott was asked would he hire himself and stated he