Baptist – Denomination Essay

Submitted By Sunny014
Words: 353
Pages: 2

The Baptist church is one of the largest protestant Free Church denominations. Baptist is usually evangelical in the doctrine and amends in worship. They believe in the Bible and use it in their daily lives. They also believe that you must be baptised through Jesus Christ. They are baptised if they have accepted Jesus, by seeing Jesus spiritually, through personal experiences, through immersion, or understandings.
There are no leaders of the Baptist Church, but a pastor who preaches the word of the lord. The Baptist denomination has no sacraments. A way they show God has entered their life and he is of significance in it, is by being baptised through his name. This is only done once they have truly accepted Jesus Christ.
Mary is not seen in line with Jesus in the Baptist religion. They do believe she that was blessed with him and that she was a virgin, but they do not pray and worship her. There are also no saints or popes in the Baptist denomination.
For Baptist, Every Sunday, there is a Sunday service. It is not completely structured like the Catholic mass. It starts with praise and worship which can be done through anything, such as songs, bible passage readings, and prayer. The pastor then preaches the word of the lord and how we can affiliate it into our daily lives. After, you can share to others about your week and offerings are given.
The Baptist church does not have fixed prayers like the ‘Hail Mary’ and the ‘our Father’. They pray for