Madison first assessed that there are two ways to limit the damage caused by faction: either remove the causes of faction or control its effects. The first, destroying liberty, would work because "liberty is to faction what air is to fire",[19] but it is impossible to perform because liberty is essential to political life. After all, Americans fought for it during the American Revolution. The other option, creating a society homogeneous in opinions and interests, is impracticable. The diversity of the people's ability is what makes them succeed more or less, and inequality of property is a right that the government should protect. Madison particularly emphasizes that economic stratification prevents everyone from sharing the same opinion. Madison concludes that the damage caused by faction can be limited only by controlling its effects.
He then argues that the only problem comes from majority factions because the principle of popular sovereignty should prevent minority factions from gaining power. Madison offers two ways to check majority factions: prevent the "existence of the same passion or interest in a majority at the same time" or render a majority faction unable to act.[20] Madison concludes that a small democracy cannot avoid the dangers of majority faction because small size means that undesirable passions can very easily spread to a majority of the people, which can then enact its will through the democratic government without difficulty.
Madison states, "The
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layout on yesterday, today, tomorrow Maybe not use the pictures in the background so it is more clear and easier to read. Pamela Wilson 5 Good layout of visuals, easy to read and understand Maybe do a comparison slide to another race, religion, etc. Jennifer Mahler 4 Filled slides with pertinent information Maybe add something about the person you talked to or the facility you visited Katie Scharfe 5 Great Information and additional info from interview Maybe addition of substance abuse issues and depression…
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