1.0 Overview ProFound Marketing Consultancy (PMC) is a startup partnership between Mr. AB Ace and Mr. PQ Perfect. It will provide business…show more content… In Brand development, PMC will provide services like brand name creation, domain names, tagline creation, logo designing services, building positioning strategy etc. In Online Advertising, the firm will provide advisory services to help SMBs leverage the potential of advertisements using search & directories, classifieds and displays using an appropriate mix. In Social Media Marketing, the firm will create & implement a marketing plan which uses the appropriate media, with a professionally designed content. Market Surveys & Research Reports will primarily be prepared for businesses who want to explore new markets or gather market intelligence. Advertising material will be created for businesses who already have a well-defined marketing strategy, positioning statement and an implementation plan. PMC will help the clients build their marketing budgets by giving due weightage to different forms of advertising appropriate for their businesses. 4.0 Pricing Strategy PMC will provide tailor-made marketing consultancy services which will require understanding of the client and the target markets. The firm will work based on an all-inclusive hourly rate with the client. The number of hours to be charged will be decided in advance based on the estimated efforts. The rate & the hours will be communicated to the client before start of the services so that there are no hidden charges. However, to avoid excessive direct
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Develop a business plan Submission details Candidate’s Name Candidate’s ID number Assessor’s Name Assessment Date/s Time/s Instructions to Students 1. You must accurately complete the Student Assessment Pack. 2. Your Assessor may want to discuss written answers with you to get further evidence of your understanding and to check that it is your original work 3. You need to submit Assessment Cover Sheet for each assessment. 4. You are permitted to use dictionaries and to seek support, as required…
ADVANCED DIPLOMA OF MANAGEMENT BSBMGT617A- DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT A BUSINESS PLAN ASSESSMENT TASK 1- ANALYSE A BUSINESS PLAN STUDENT NAME: MA. REBECCA M. BEREDO STUDENT ID: UIC0159 Compare and Contrast the business plan of the quality training business plan and gallery/coffee. BUSINESS PLAN 1 Areas | The quality training business plan | Objective | The company objectives of quality training are: a) To provide complete financial projection of plan year b) To present a written…