B3 Calvillo Grammar Practice Parts Of Speech Essay
Submitted By Jennifer-C
Words: 345
Pages: 2
Jennifer Calvillo
Grammar Practice:
Parts of Speech
4 / 30 / 15 A noun is a person, place, thing, or concept. > The cat crossed the sidewalk .
An adjective modifies or describes a noun . > The black cat crossed the narrow sidewalk . An action verb tells what a noun is doing. > The cat crossed the sidewalk.
An adverb tells HOW the action is being done. > The cat lazily crossed the sidewalk.
(Adverbs can also modify an adjective). > The really lazy cat crossed the sidewalk.
Using chapter 4 and 5, find 10 sentences that have adjectives that modify nouns.
Highlight the noun that is being modified (or described) in orange
Highlight the adjective that is doing the describing in blue. 1.
Using chapter 4 and 5, find 10 sentences that have adverbs that modify verbs.
Highlight the verb that is being modified (or described) in green
Highlight the adverb that is doing the describing in red. 1. Francois cried, slapping his thighs gleefully .
2. He took Buck by the scruff of the neck, and though the dog growled threateningly , dragged him to one side and replaced Solleks.
3. The drivers confidently expected a long stopover.
4. Buck watched them apprehensively as they proceeded to take down the tent and load the sled.
5. He shook it and grinned sheepishly at the courier, who shrugged his shoulders in sign that they