Emotion was a major role that was played on Dean Kamen work on prosthetic arms because he gained empathy for the veterans who fought for our country and lost limbs for our freedom. After speaking with Dr. Geffrey Ling Kaman realized their struggle the imputes faced and empathy for the imputes flourished in Kamen to help the veterans. After Kamen speaking to Dr. Ling he went home and noticed losing a limb meant losing one’s humanity. Without Emotion Kamen would not have developed empathy for the veterans because before without the emotion of despair and consideration the feeling of empathy would be none existent so Kamen would have not felt the need to help the veterans.
To begin with emotion played a major for Kamen to work on the prosthetic arms, keeping in mind that he did not care for the situation until he spoke about the subject with Dr. Ling. Without emotion as catalyst to drive for Kamen to help the Veterans from the war Kamen would not have worked on the project to help the veterans because there would be no empathy. While speaking to Dr. Ling, Dr. Ling told him that the prosthetic arm has not been change ever since World War 2 which was unacceptable. Then as Kamen begin to actually design the arm, because of his empathy he had designed a prosthetic arm that could do the job and feel comfortable on the user. To sum everything up Kamen used the Emotion of empathy to design an efficient yet comfortable Prosthetic arm.
Furthermore if emotion was not a factor in the