Avae Allen
Ms. Palma and Ms. Lay
English10; per. 5
7 November 2014
John Proctor Is Innocent of Witchcraft
John Proctor was the first man to be accused in the Salem witch trails. Even though John Proctor is guilty, he is innocent of witchcraft because he only admitted being with the devil to save his life and
John Proctor is innocent of witchcraft because he only admitted being with the devil to save his life. “ And why not, if they must hang for denyin' it? there are them that will swear to anything before they'll hang;” (Bears John Proctor thought that if he did not deny of being involved with the devil he would not be hanged so therefore he said he was involved with the devil.
Cover the second main topic of your paper in this section.
Cover the third main topic of your paper in this section.
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This is the where the conclusion of your paper goes.
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Works Cited
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