Essay about Australians are advised to avoid all protests and demonstrations as they may turn violent
Submitted By alex_victoria98
Words: 533
Pages: 3
Australians are advised to avoid all protests and demonstrations as they may turn violent.- because they do occur in all cities across Greece randomly. Rioting can break out with little warning in Athens and other Greek cities, including Thessaloniki. Australians should be particularly vigilant during days of national or commemorative significance such as 25 March (National Independence Day) and 28 October (Oxi Day), as the likelihood of civil unrest may increase. Strikes affect air, sea and rail transports and taxi regularly, so If you’re affected by transport disruptions, monitor the media, maintain contact with your airline, your travel agent and your insurer, and be prepared to change your travel plans. If you intend to hire cars, quad bikes, motorcycles, jet skis or engage in adventure sports such as bungee jumping, talk to your travel insurer to check if these activities are covered by your insurance policy. If you intend to drive in Greece with an International Driving Permit, you must also carry a valid Australian driver’s licence. There is an ongoing threat of terrorism in Europe. In the past, terrorist attacks have occurred in a number of European cities. Before heading overseas, organise travel insurance and check what isn’t covered, also register your travel and contact details-so you can be contacted if there’s an emergency. Entry and exit can change short notice, contact the nearest Greece embassy or visit the website at Embassy of Greece for latest information. People travelling directly to or from a country outside the EU carrying 10,000 Euros or more are required to declare the cash at the place of arrival or departure from the EU. If you fail to declare cash or incorrect information you will occur a fine. Make sure your passport has at least six months’ validity from your planned date of return to Australia. You should carry copies of a recent passport photo with you in case you need a replacement passport while overseas. There is an ongoing threat of terrorism in Europe. In the past, terrorist attacks have occurred in a