Atkins or "fadkins" Essay

Words: 1241
Pages: 5

Katelyn Gibbs
Professor Hayes
Anatomy and Physiology Atkins or “Fadkins” ? Questions:
Section I:
1. First, find out what nutrients Janine and Mitchell are talking about. Using a biology textbook and the resources listed, describe what the following molecules are and what they are used for in the human body. List some specific examples of each. Also list major dietary sources of each.
a. Proteins- macromolecules made of amino acids. Proteins have many functions in the body. Some sources of proteins are whole-grain cereals, dark breads,rice, beans, and meat. Proteins are:
-forming collagen and keratin
-transporting molecules in the blood
-quicken chemical reactions b.

Answer: Blood sugar is defined as “the amount of glucose in the bloodstream”. The pancreas secrets insulin and glucagon. Insulin helps move glucose from the blood to the cell. Glucagon is released when the blood sugar is low. If blood sugar gets to low then there is a risk of headaches, seizures, coma, and death. Diabetes is the bodies inability to produce enough insulin to regulate the glucose in the bloodstream. Hypoglycemia is a glucose deficiency that causes problems within the bloodstream.
3. What other hormones could effect Mitchel's appetite? Where do these hormones originate, and what are their affects? Use the text book and the resources from the resource list( NOVA list, Science News article,NIH website) to answer this question. Note that this is a relatively new are of research and new information can arise at any time. Answer: Leptin is a hormone that decreases your appetite and is produced by fat cells. Oxyntomodulin, pancreatic polypeptide, cholecystokinin are hormones produced by the gastrointestinal tract thats purpose is to optimize digestion and the absorption process.
4. Why would a low carb diet cause head aches, fatigue and carbohydrate cravings? Answer: When going on a low card diet you lose a lot of water and with the water you lose essential minerals. Minerals such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Without these minerals you may start to feel dizzy, tired, lightheaded, and have muscle and head aches.

Section IV: